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computer graphics
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Computer Graphics. Lesson plans, work files, presentations.

WI State Standards:

  • AA Cr11h
    Plan: Formulate original concepts by practice, experimentation, and revision. (planning/experimentation)
  • AA Cr12h
    Make: Create works of art that introduce students to media, care of tools, and basic craftsmanship skills.
  • AA Pr10h
    Develop Meaning: Curate a body of work incorporating personal, historical and contemporary art to communicate one or more points of view.
    (aesthetics / communication)

Prerequisites: Art 1, or taking Art 1 concurrently, or at the consent of the instructor, the prerequisite can be waved.

Course available to: Freshmen,Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors.

The course is designed for students interested in art and design using advanced technology.

During the course, students will be introduced to the basic Art concepts – Color Theory and composition, the fundamentals of digital imaging, basics of industrial design, digital drawing, aesthetic values of computer generated art, and copyright regulations.

Course outcomes:

Students will understand the difference and the structure of digital images (bitmap vs vector)

Students will be able to make an educated decision of using an appropriate selection tool while editing an image in Adobe Photoshop.

Students will understand the concept of layers in Photoshop and learn to use them appropriately.

Students will be able to enhance and retouch a damaged image

Students will be able to combine multiple images into an artwork.

Students will be able to match the colors of an image to a particular color scheme.

Students will be able to create vector images.

Students will understand the basic Gestalt principles

Students will be able to critique a design/layout based on Principles of design

Students will be able to manipulate an image in Photoshop and Illustrator


Digital Imaging

intro to PS

intro to IL



learn the basics

selection tools

selection tools


layers basics



painting in photoshop


quick mask selections

quick mask

special effects

special effects

old photo

coloring a photo

advanced layer techniques

advanced layers

fixing photos

fixing photos

replace faces

replacing faces

paths and vector tools



bubbles animal

bubble animals

food mashup

food mash-up

nail knot

nail knot

edible architecture

edible architecture



self portrait


micro planet


cheese day

cheese day

aesop fable illustration

Aesop's fable

indesign layout

InDesign layout


learn the basics


vector graphics


practice paths

pencil in illustrator






type outlines

type outlines

Pencil tool in Adobe Illustrator

Pencil tool

Pencil tool. Adobe Illustrator.

tracing with pencil

toucan in illustrator

toucan drawing

name logo

Type tool

vector image

citrus logo

three vector logos

three logos

vector and bitmap

vector & bitmap


vector challenge

vector challenge

vector challenge


final project

vector challenge



woodcut effect


watercolor effect


impressionistic effect


color change

fixing photos

increasing contrast

curves adjustment


curves adjustment


depth of field

feathering selections





paint with light

painting with light

faux marble

faux marble

parchment texture



brass plaque




photo to sketch

tiles background

background tiles

Warhol collage



more projects

time is money poster

Time is Money

logo design

my logo

business card design

business card

print cards in indesign

printing instructions

cover design

cover design




intro to Canva


Weekly agenda

Color scheme from image


Wisconsin essential standards rubric

  no evidence Beginning Emerging Proficient Advanced

AA1 Cr.11
planning & experimentation

Work is not complete and/or does not show the process from specified instructions or there is no evidence. The artwork does not fulfil the task. Steps were not followed. No evidence of careful planning and experimentation. The artwork is lacking the proper planning. Student did not follow all steps of the process and did not demonstrate effort and attention to details. Student followed the process, did accurate planning, experimented with Elements and Principles of Art. Artwork demonstrates effort and attention to details. Artwork demonstrates a careful planning. Work represents an advanced use of given elements and principles of design. Student displayed an outstanding effort in regards to application and understanding of the content. Artwork shows individual style, careful planning, multiple revisions and attention to details.

AA1 Cr.12

Work is not complete and/or does not show the process from specified instructions or there is no evidence. Student somewhat followed the process. Some steps are skipped or incomplete. Work requires major improvement. Student mostly followed the process. Work shows some skills and basic/partial understanding of the process. Student followed the process exactly as the instructions specified. Work shows proper use of skills and techniques. Student followed the process exactly as the instructions specified and, in addition, the piece exhibits evidence of creative experimentation beyond the required task. Craftsmanship and attention to details are flawless.

AA2 Pr.10
aesthetics & communication

The artwork does not comply with the task and instructions, there is no personal involvement in the process or there is no evidence. The artwork communicates little effort and personal emotional involvement in the process. Student tried using elements and principles of art to solve the aesthetic task. Some areas need improvement. Student used elements and principles of art properly and conveyed a clear message. Artwork shows individuality and effort. The artwork displays a clear meaning and style of the assignment. Artwork communicates specific art style or other requirements. The message is clearly communicated. Student went above and beyond in the use of Art Elements and Principles to convey a clear message, showed understanding of the task, and solved the task in the most creative way. Artwork shows individuality and emotion involvement.


1. All assignments must be completed on or before the due date.
2. Unfinished artwork is graded as such.
3. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up all work. You can sign out art supplies if needed.
4. If your project requires extra time to be completed, you have to make arrangements with me prior the due date. This is your responsibility.
5. Each project has a rubric with specific requirements and guidelines. Follow them.
6. Unless an assignment specifically requires copying, it will be interpreted in the same manner as plagiarism.
7. You are also graded for your in-class studio work.


1. Food, drinks, candy, gum are not allowed in the Art rooms. A bottle of WATER is permitted in room 206 (only).
2. Cell phones are not allowed at any time. Phones should be turned off and put away.
3. Be in the room before the bell rings. Dropping your stuff and leaving does not qualify you as being on time.
4. Sit at your assigned seat unless I give you OK to move. That means you do not walk around the room during the class.
5. Talk quietly with students at your table. Do not talk during the instructional time.
6. Draw, paint, etc. on your artwork only!
7. Use materials from your tote-tray only... don't go into other people's trays.
8. You can bring your work home anytime. You are responsible for having it back next day.
9. If you must swear, please do it elsewhere... Thanks.
10. You are responsible for cleaning your work area and the tools that you used.
11. If you are in the Graphics lab, use the printers for the current ART assignments only!!!
12. Encourage your fellow classmates in a positive way... treat them fairly and nicely. This room should be a fun and comfortable place for everyone.