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general rubrics for the Visual Arts department
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by JuliannaKunstler.com

Rubrics are based on Wisconsin Visual Arts Standards.

Each course and each assignment will have their own specifics. Please refer to Standard Based Grading (SBG) information for each assignment.

Essential Standards

Standard Category in rubrics Description
AA1 Cr10 Create / Investigate aesthetics & problem solving

Engage in critical thinking, problem solving, and research through elements and principles of art and design studio practices and processes.

AA1 Cr11 Create / Plan planning & experimentation

Formulate original concepts by practice, experimentation, and revision.

AA1 Cr12 Create / Make skills

Create works of art that introduce students to media, care of tools, and basic craftsmanship skills.

AA2 Pr10 Present / Meaning aesthetics & communication

Curate a body of work incorporating personal, historical and contemporary art to communicate one or more points of view.

Essential Standards per course

course AA1 Cr10
aesthetics & problem solving
AA1 Cr.11
planning & experimentation
AA1 Cr.12
AA2 Pr.10
aesthetics & communication
Drawing & Painting  
AP 2D Studio  
Computer Graphics  
Adv. Computer Graphics

general rubric

  no evidence Beginning Emerging Proficient Advanced

AA1 Cr10
aesthetics & problem solving

Artwork does not show use of given elements and principles of design or there is no evidence. Artwork shows limited understanding and use/application of given elements and principles of design. Artwork represents some understanding and use of given elements and principles of design. Artwork demonstrates an understanding and a proper application/use of given elements and principles of design. Student used elements of art /principles of design to achieve unified, balanced, exciting, and effective space that goes beyond the task.

AA1 Cr.11
planning & experimentation

Work is not complete and/or does not show the process from specified instructions or there is no evidence. The artwork does not fulfil the task. Steps were not followed. No evidence of careful planning and experimentation. The artwork is lacking the proper planning. Student did not follow all steps of the process and did not demonstrate effort and attention to details. Student followed the process, did accurate planning, experimented with Elements and Principles of Art. Artwork demonstrates effort and attention to details. Artwork demonstrates a careful planning. Work represents an advanced use of given elements and principles of design. Student displayed an outstanding effort in regards to application and understanding of the content. Artwork shows individual style, careful planning, multiple revisions and attention to details.

AA1 Cr.12

Work is not complete and/or does not show the process from specified instructions or there is no evidence. Student somewhat followed the process. Some steps are skipped or incomplete. Work requires major improvement. Student mostly followed the process. Work shows some skills and basic/partial understanding of the process. Student followed the process exactly as the instructions specified. Work shows proper use of skills and techniques. Student followed the process exactly as the instructions specified and, in addition, the piece exhibits evidence of creative experimentation beyond the required task. Craftsmanship and attention to details are flawless.

AA2 Pr.10
aesthetics & communication

The artwork does not comply with the task and instructions, there is no personal involvement in the process or there is no evidence. The artwork communicates little effort and personal emotional involvement in the process. Student tried using elements and principles of art to solve the aesthetic task. Some areas need improvement. Student used elements and principles of art properly and conveyed a clear message. Artwork shows individuality and effort. The artwork displays a clear meaning and style of the assignment. Artwork communicates specific art style or other requirements. The message is clearly communicated. Student went above and beyond in the use of Art Elements and Principles to convey a clear message, showed understanding of the task, and solved the task in the most creative way. Artwork shows individuality and emotion involvement.