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by JuliannaKunstler.com

What Is It We Expect Students to Learn?

Art-2 Essential Standards
Description of Standard Example of Rigor Prerequisite Skills When Taught? Common Summative Assessment Extension Standards
What is the essential standard to be learned?  Describe in student-friendly vocabulary. What does proficient student work look like?  Provide an example and/or description. What prior knowledge, skills, and/or vocabulary are needed for a student to master this standard? When will this standard be taught? What assessment (s) will be used to measure student mastery? What will we do when students have already learned the standard?

WI standard 1(A): Visual Memory & Knowledge

A.12.2. Students will know advanced vocabulary related to their study of art.

Students will understand and use art terminology.

Students will understand and use Art Terms:

Art-2 vocabulary

Art-1 vocabulary

continued use throughout the course

Semester 1 Finals reflection paper

Semester 2 Finals reflection paper

Everyday class usage

Use terms in conversations and critiques.

Introduce more advanced Art terminology

A.12.4. Students will know and recognize many styles of art from various times.

Students recognize different art styles and movements.

Students will demonstrate their understanding by creating assignments in a particular art style.

surrealistic monsters

acrylic painting

3D shading

values in color

continued use throughout the course

surrealistic monsters

Surrealistic monsters


op art

Use terms in conversations and critiques.

WI standard 3(C): Visual Design & Production

C.12.1. Students will use the elements and principles of design in sophisticated ways

1. Students will understand how to draw with line

Students will demonstrate their skills by creating a series of art assignments that focus on line as the main Element.


Elements of Art


semester 2

notebook page

notebook page

Students will apply the use of different types of lines in their artwork.

Student can experiment with linear drawings (advanced drawing)


2. Students will understand how to draw complex shapes and forms

Students will demonstrate their skills by creating a series of art assignments that focus on shape as the main Element.


Elements of Art


semester 2


op art

Students can incorporate positive/negative shapes concept in their designs.

C.12.1. (continued)

3. Students will understand how to use shading techniques to show depth

Students will demonstrate their skills by creating a series of art assignments that focus on value as the main Element.


Elements of Art


semester 1

celtic knotCeltic knots

Students will apply the use of different types of shading techniques in their artwork to improve their drawing skills..

C.12.1. (continued)

4. Students will understand how to use space in artwork

Students will demonstrate their skills by creating a series of art assignments that focus on space as the main Element.

Elements of Art


semester 1

surrealistic tree

surrealistic landscape

Students will apply and experiment with linear and aerial perspective in their artwork..

C.12.1. (continued)

5. Students will know how to mix and choose colors

Students will demonstrate their skills by creating a series of art assignments that focus on color as the main Element.


Elements of Art


semester 1



Students will continue to improve their color mixing skills, make educated decisions on color choices based on Color Theory.

Students can increase the number of color combinations in their artworks.

C.12.1. (continued)

6. Students will understand how to create visual textures

Students will demonstrate their skills by creating a series of art assignments that focus on texture as the main Element.


Elements of Art


semester 2

creative patterns

creative patterns 2

Practice to improve stroke quality.

C.12.1. (continued)

7. Students will understand how to arrange elements in a composition

Students will demonstrate their skills by creating a series of art assignments that focus on composition.

collage design

Principles of Design

semester 2







Experiment with different layouts

C.12.7. Students will apply advanced craft and skills to consistently produce quality art

Students will apply most effort and do their best while working on art projects

Students will take time to practice and constantly improve their technical skills (drawing, shading, coloring, composition, planning)

Shading techniques


Color theory

continued use throughout the course

colored pencils

Colored pencils

Students will practice more to improve their skills

C.12.9. Students will use ongoing reflective strategies to assess and better understand one's work and that of others during the creative process.

Students will learn the criteria to assess and critique other students' artwork.

Students will evaluate and assign scores based on project's rubric and requirements. They will assess skills, creativity, process.


continued use throughout the course

grading sheet

creative patterns

creative patterns 2


Students can elaborate on their assessments.

C.12.10. Students will assume personal responsibility for their learning and the creative process.

Students will come prepared to class, stay on task, take care of tools, materials, and work area.

Students will learn the routine of setting up work area, use of materials, and cleaning up after studio work.


continued use throughout the course

all assignments


WI standard 4(D): Practical Applications

D.12.1. Students will know about the history, public art, and unique architecture of their cultural community.

Students will know about local works of public art and architecture .

Students will visit Milwaukee Art Museum permanent collection and temporary exhibits.

Field trip.


semester 2

museum worksheet

Explore other museums and galleries

WI standard 5(E): Visual Design & Production

E.12.1. Students will communicate ideas by producing sophisticated studio art forms, such as drawings, paintings, prints, sculpture, jewelry, fibers, and ceramics

Students will understand silk-screen printing process

Students will demonstrate their skills by creating a series of art assignments:


Block printing process

Line/shape stylizing techniques

Color schemes

Color blending

Colored pencils techniques

3D shading

semester 2

silk screen printing

silk printing



surrealistic monsters

Surrealistic monsters

Improve shading, details, blending, craftsmanship.

WI standard 7(G): Art and Design criticism

G.12.4. Students will create works of Art that have complex meanings

Students will create a work of art that depicts personal thoughts and meanings.

Students will demonstrate their skills by creating an assignment that has some hidden personal meanings. like mandala.


Research skills


semester 2



Improve shading, details, blending, craftsmanship.

WI standard 8(H): Visual Thinking

H.12.1. Students will interpret complex patterns and forms by drawing them

Students will understand how to draw a realistic object from a reference image

Students will demonstrate their skills by creating a series of art assignments:

tree drawing

Value scales

Shading techniques

semester 1

tree drawing

tree drawing

Improve shading, details, blending, craftsmanship.

H.12.2. Students will know how human eyes work to see subtle changes in light, color, textures, and surfaces

Students will learn to use various art media (charcoal, washes, graphite, colored and watercolor pencils, Ebony pencils) for shading to achieve delicate values in their artwork.

Students will demonstrate their skills by creating a series of art assignments:

Value scales

Shading techniques


continued use throughout the course

tree drawing

tree drawing



coffee painting

coffee painting

eye drawing

eye drawing

Improve shading, details, blending, craftsmanship.

H.12.3. Students will use careful observation to draw, paint, and sculpt from life

Students will understand how to draw a 3-D object by looking at it.

Students will demonstrate their skills by creating a series of art assignments:

coffee painting

Value as an Element of Art

Watercolor washes technique (layering)

semester 2

coffee painting

coffee painting

Improve shading, details, blending, craftsmanship.

WI Standard 9(I): Personal and Social Development

I.12.7. Students will work independently, collaboratively, and with deep concentration when creating works of art.

Students will understand the importance of applying themselves and using their best craftsmanship when work in class

Students will demonstrate their skills by creating a series of art assignments:

Artwork critique


continued use throughout the course

studio work rubric



rhino ink

Creative patterns 3



Improve shading, details, blending, craftsmanship.

WI Standard 10(J): Cultural and Aesthetic Understanding

J.12.10. Students will reflect and talk about works of art

Students will understand how to critique and evaluate works of art.

Students will reflect on their performance by writing a paper and analyzing their personal accomplishments and challenges.

Artwork critique



sem.1 final

sem 2 final

Finals portfolio presentation and reflection paper:

semester 1

semester 2


WI Standard 11(K): Making Connections

K.12.1. Students will connect their knowledge and skills in art to other areas, such as humanities, sciences, social studies, and technology.

Students will understand see how art is connected with other disciplines..

Students will produce artwork that requires use of mathematical skills.


Use of ruler


Use of compass

semester 2




Elaborate on the design to make it more complex.

WI Standard 12(L): Visual Imagination and Creativity

L.12.1. Students will use their knowledge, intuition, and experiences to develop ideas for artwork.

Students will:

  • use their imagination to transform the appearance of objects
  • continue practicing line drawing skills with creativity/transformation focus

Students will demonstrate their skills by creating a series of art assignments:

  • Van/car transformation
re-designed van
  • basic line drawing skills
  • basic colored pencil application technique

continued use throughout the course

design a van

van transformation

Improve shading, details, blending, craftsmanship.





