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weaving patterns

shading exercise
Instagram icon

by JuliannaKunstler.com


Choose one of the designs. Draw it on a worksheet.

Next is shading. You can choose between colored pencils and Ebony pencil.

Focus on shading technique: small strokes, smooth value transition, correct value placement for a 3-D effect.



weaving design
celtic knot


design 1

weaving design

1. Divide each side of a square into 7 parts.

weaving design

2. Connect the marks.

weaving design

3. Fill in the background areas as shown
(every other square in every other row).

weaving design

4. Combine squares into visible vertical units as shown (three squares, skip one, three squares, etc.)

weaving design

5. Combine squares into visible horizontal units as shown - same ratio - three squares to one.

6. Shade the vertical stripes.

weaving designweaving design

7. Shade the horizontal stripes:

weaving design

This is what it looks like by now.

weaving design

8. Add background shadows on both sides of the vertical stripes.

weaving design

9. Add background shadows on both sides of the horizontal stripes.

design 2

celtic knot
celtic knot

1. Draw two circles:

d=3” and d=4”

celtic knot

2. Draw a square inside the smallest circle as shown.

celtic knot

3. Draw a smaller square inside.

celtic knot

4. Extend the lines

celtic knot

5. Erase the lines to reveal the weaving pattern

celtic knot

6. Draw the first loop as shown

celtic knot

7. Draw the other three loops - all loops are identical

celtic knot

8. Shade the circle:

the value is darker next to the loops.


celtic knot

9. Shade the ribbon:

the value is lighter if the ribbon is on the top, and gets darker as it goes under another ribbon

celtic knot

10. Finish shading the ribbon, add background shadows next to the circle and the ribbons.
