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build your blog

step 1: start with an idea
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by JuliannaKunstler.com

How to start a blog from scratch. Tutorial for beginners. Step-by-step tutorials. Free to use. Using WordPress platform.

Creating a blog is not as hard and complicated as you might think. You do not need to know much coding or other "computer stuff" to start a comprehensive and user-friendly web site.

This tutorial is for beginners. So if you are familiar with some steps - feel free to jump to the next step.

This tutorial is based on my own experience of running a website since 2008. So let's get started!

Here is your plan:

  1. Start with an IDEA
  2. PLAN site structure
  3. SET UP name and hosting provider
  4. Site LAYOUT
  5. Create top-level PAGES
  7. Add POSTS

not as scary...

1. idea


Everything starts with an idea.

Be bold. Think big!

2. planning

plan your blog

You really absolutely need to have some plan. This will save you tons of time in the future.

Start collecting information, pictures, worksheets, etc. Keep them all organized.

Have a Business Plan and Marketing Strategy. Especially if you want your site to make money one day.

  • site map
  • main pages
  • classes and units

3. get a name, get hosting, choose platform

assign domain name to your site

Your site name should be unique and AVAILABLE.

Be prepared that you will get exactly what you want as someone else could have already registered it.

If you made a decision to start your blog - you, probably, thought about a name.

The name of the blog should represent you or what you do. Many names have been already taken, but think about different variations that you are willing to try.

Do you already have a channel on You Tube? Or page on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc? Consider using the same name to be consistent throughout all platforms.

  • domain name
choose hosting and platform for your site

Platforms the software you’ll use to run your blog.

You’ve got lots of options: WordPress, Wix, Weebly, and Squarespace to name just a few.

Unless you are familiar with Adobe Dreamweaver, I would go for WordPress.

  • choose platform
  • find hosting

4. set up your blog layout

choose hosting and platform for your site

This is time to customize your theme (template).

Experiment with color schemes, fonts, add-ons, and other fun stuff.


  • choose a template
  • site identity
  • site customization

5. top level pages

top pages and categories

This part is the actual "construction" of your site. You create site's structure and directories, pages and posts, design the look and ways to share your site.

  • home page
  • main menu
  • top level pages
  • categories and subcategories

6. site navigation and menus

site navigation

Create main menu and other navigation options.

Add links to pages, posts, and outside web pages.

  • main menu
  • social menu
  • navigation widgets
  • links

7. posting

adding a post to your blog

A cool thing about WordPress is that if you can use Microsoft Word, Pages, or Gmail, writing a blog post (your lesson plan). Or you can use WordPress interface to do so.

  • pages & posts

things to consider

Your content:

Start taking pictures during you lessons NOW!

Even though you are in early planning stage, you will need those step-by-step images to add to your lesson plans. Have clear and clean images. Consider placing watermarks onto your images so people don't steel them (this happens ).

Quick tip:

Consider using stock photos. There are quite a few sites that offer license-free images. I use Pixabay, Pexels, Canva. These resources would work great for your title images as well as supporting images..


At some point you want to link all your professional social media accounts with the blog to bring more visitors.

Join same interest groups, get involved.

Additional software

You will want to edit the images for your site. Things like: cropping, resizing, rotating, adding elements, etc.

My personal favorite is obviously Adobe Photoshop. It is not cheap, but there are plenty of free image-editing applications out there. You can do editing on your smart phone or computer.

Here are the links to free applications:

Photoshop Express Editor (online)

PhotoScape (download)

Basic things can be done in Google Photos

What else?

Bookmark sites that inspired you. Whether from a design , a content, or a structure point.

Research design trends for websites. These are constantly changing.

Remember that your site should be user friendly. Do not clutter it. Keep everything organized.

People expect a website to have things in a certain place. While it's great to be creative in your design, you should the keep the layout familiar, so that your visitor isn't confused. When someone gets to your home page, they should be able to quickly find what they are looking for.

starting a teacher blog from scratch