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drawing & painting I

final exam
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by JuliannaKunstler.com

Google Slides Portfolio presentation (total of 9 slides):

Slide 1: title

Slides 2-8 (Portfolio): artwork + excerpt for each assignment (7 slides) = 80%

Slide 9: Reflection = 20%

1. Google Slides Portfolio presentation (80%)

Due on the day of your final exam.

Create a Google slides presentation.

slides 1-9: portfolio 80%

Create an individual slide for each project.

For each assignment, add a clear and legible image of it. Quality of the image matters! Have pride in your work!

Write an excerpt for each assignment describing your process and choices for each piece - 200 words:

  • Description of the techniques and the processes that you used.
  • What did you learn by working on these pieces?
  • What are the strong parts of your projects?
  • What are the weak parts of your projects?
  • Looking back  - what would you do differently?

If an assignment is missing or unfinished - it needs to be completed for a full credit.

lines and proportions


popcorn observational drawing

popcorn observational drawing

popcorn observational drawing

glass and water

ink tree drawing

tree ink drawing

mixed media

mixed media

watercolor landscape

creative watercolor

sculpey painting

polymer clay

Reflection (20%)

Review all art pieces that you created during the semester.

Write an art critique on your portfolio pieces.
The critique should be no less than 300 words.
It should include:

  • How many pieces are in your portfolio? Are they all completed?
  • How did you grow as an artist from your earliest piece to the latest.
  • What did you learn by working on these pieces?
  • Your thoughts, ideas, reflections, etc.
  • Your own evaluation of your art portfolio. What grade is fair?

All projects should be finished. If any of them are not completely done – please make sure they are completed by the final exam day.


Example of a portfolio slide:
