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See through water

observational drawing
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by JuliannaKunstler.com

WI State Standards:

  • AA Cr11h
    Plan: Formulate original concepts by practice, experimentation, and revision. (planning/experimentation)
  • AA Cr12h
    Make: Create works of art that introduce students to media, care of tools, and basic craftsmanship skills.
  • AA Pr10h
    Develop meaning: Create s body of work incorporating personal, historical, and contemporary art to communicate one or morepoints of view.
    (aesthetics / communication)

Learning objectives

  • draw from observation
  • form construction
  • Chiaroscuro pattern
  • Reflections, glass and water drawing
  • Molding forms with colored pencils
  • Proportions and scaling
  • Sequence of coloring objects
  • Coloring and blending technique challenge

Set up a still life with:

  • at least 2 glass objects
  • 2 pieces of fruit.

Place a white background behind the set.


1. sketching - form building, value planning

2. drawing outlines (colored paper)

3. colored pencils



You sketch should be detailed and accurate.

Form building is important:

Draw axis for each symmetrical form

Draw ovals carefully. Check for symmetry and round corners.

Everything should fit in to the drawing.

Include shadows , highlights, reflections and see-through details.

In your sketch: shade the darkest areas for value reference.

Redraw the still-life onto a colored paper.

Use only fine lines.

Include all important outlines.

Start coloring.

Use solid full-strength coloring. Blend and mix colors to achieve the perfect tones.

Be accurate about all colors and tones.

Include background coloring - it is important for color and tone reference.

Compare the colors of actual objects with a "see through water" colors.

credits: http://how-to-sketch.com