Place letters in the square modules:
Black letters into white squares and white letters into black squares.
Use variety of typefaces.
Rotate and resize them. Change the weight of the letterforms.
Crop!!!!! Cropping creates interest!!!
To crop:
1. Position the letter over a square.
2. Convert letterform into shape: Type > Create Outlines.
3. Select the letterform and the square.
4. In Pathfinder palette (Window>Pathfinder): Divide
5. Object > Ungroup (or right-click)
6. Deselect
7. Delete all extra shapes.
Each module should be visually interesting.
Design 1: Create a pattern of equally balanced modules.
Design 2: Create a "value scale" by managing black and white shapes. Amount of black should go from maximum in the top module to the minimum in the bottom.
Design 3: Create a value gradation from light to dark to light.
Arrange all three designs together and print them!
Questions? Figure them out!