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by JuliannaKunstler.com

Learning objectives:

  • Creative thinking
  • Visual language interpretation
  • Creative writing


a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.


credit Ed Brown
credit Estate of Bob Collins/Museum of London
credit Estate of Bob Collins/Museum of London
credit Estate of Bob Collins/Museum of London
credit Estate of Bob Collins/Museum of London
credit Estate of Bob Collins/Museum of London
credit Estate of Bob Collins/Museum of London
credit Kevin Mullins
credit Ian Berry
credit Dr. John Persico Jr.
credit Marjory Collins/Library of Congress
credit Marjory Collins/Library of Congress
credit Marjory Collins/Library of Congress
credit Ed Giorandino/New York Daily News/Getty Images
credit Helen Levit
credit August Darwell/Getty Images
photo by Thomas Hoepker


Observe the photograph carefully…

step 1

Write seven factual statements based on your direct observation of what you see in the image.

  • Describe characters (Who?)
  • Their appearance
  • Describe objects that you see (What?)
  • Describe characters' actions, gestures (Doing what?)
  • Describe the setting (Where?)


1. This is a picture of a boy
2. He is inside a telephone booth
3. He is holding a phone
4. He is dialing a number
5. He is propped on a ledge of the booth
6. There is a phone book under the phone
7. There is a sign behind the boy that says ....

step 2

Now…write one inference statement for each of the seven factual statements.

Your inference statements must be based on a “most likely” interpretation of each of the factual statements.


1. This is a picture of a boy. Most likely he is about 11 years old. He is on his way from school, his books are probably on the booth floor.
2. He is inside a telephone booth. He is probably calling home.

step 3

Next, write another inference statement for each of the seven factual statements.

This time however, use your imagination and creative thinking skills…Really think “outside the box” when you create these statements.


1. This looks like a picture of a boy, but it is not. It's a mannequin posing for an advertisement photo shoot.
2. What looks like a telephone booth is really an elevator.

step 4

What will happen next?

Write a paragraph (3-4 sentences) that will describe what the characters will be doing next.

Use your step 3 statements as your storyline. Be creative!

step 5

Illustrate your step 4 paragraph.

Draw what happens next using the same setting, same characters and objects.

Sketch your ideas first.

Use any media to create your illustration.

step 6: write a story

Based on your statements, write your story about the photograph.

Write about the characters, their life before the picture was taken, after, what will happen to them in a future, etc.

Incorporate your steps 2 & 4 details. Add more facts.

Your illustration should be incorporated into the story plot.

Add a conclusion.

The story should be about 1000 words.
