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magazine cover

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by JuliannaKunstler.com

Redesign this 1961 magazine cover to fit modern trends

Consider appropriateĀ color scheme for the targeted audience. Use colors that appeal to YOU!

Create a cover photo in Photoshop (8.5"x11") to fit the theme

You may also have smaller photos to show other features included in the magazine

You can use additional graphics if needed (social media, etc)



Use attached Adobe Illustrator file to put it together.

In Illustrator:

use separate layers for background / cover photo, text blocks, other graphics

Pay attention to:

vertical/horizontal alignment of text blocks and other elements

You should include:

  • A cover photo
  • A Title (should use the existing title, but you can change a color)
  • Story line titles - use the same ones as the original, but you can change fonts, colors, size, position, add images, etc.
  • Issue date
  • Issue price