julianna kunstler logo
digital portfolio

crevado platform
Instagram icon

by JuliannaKunstler.com

1. Sign up at crevado.com

Use your personal email address so you can continue using this platform after the graduation.

Use your first and last names as your URL (for example: juliannakunstler.crevado.com)

2. Write down login and password!!!!

3. Collect images.


Collecting images might take some time.

Take new photos of your artwork using good lighting and camera. You might need a tripod for better quality.

Make sure pictures are in focus.

Pay attention to the edges - keep them straight.

If you do not have a physical artwork - go through the old photos and try finding it. That is if it is worth adding it to your portfolio.

4. After you collected the images - crop them and enhance (if needed) in Photoshop.

5. Upload the photos to crevado.

6. Label each image:

  • title
  • dimensions (note the units!!)
  • year!!!
  • comments/description - write down the medium and the process and what inspired you. (example: mixed media: oil pastels, colored pencils on black illustration board)
  • tags - words that would describe this art piece.

7. Choose a gallery template.

8. Write about your gallery (school assignments or independent work, etc.)

9. Write about you (About page) - who you are, your path as an artist, your dreams and plans, how you communicate with your art, etc.

10. Add your art pieces as you create them to keep the gallery alive!

11. Share the link with me and with college admissions.
