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google quiz

easy grading
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by JuliannaKunstler.com

This is the easiest way to do online grading.

Google Forms now have Quiz option. This is how it works:

check out my other tutorials:

test answers

Check out how to use Google forms for testsing!

Self-graded tests!

In this tutorial I explain how to incorporate answers and study materials into the form. If student answers incorrectly, the form takes him to the study materials. So here is pre-test study-guide.


create a new quiz

In Google Drive:

New > More > Google Forms

google form

1. Start with creating a new FORM

google form

2. Then go to SETTINGS

google form

3. Click on QUIZZES

4. Turn on "Make this a quiz".


5. Select other options. I always choose to hide the correct answers for students - so they cannot share this information.

setting up a quiz

google quiz

1. Give your quiz a name.

2. Create a field for student's name. Choose "short answer" for the question type.

3. Turn on "required" option.

google quiz

4. Add next question field.

google quiz

5. Type in your first question.

6. Choose the question type.

google quiz

7. Type in question choices.

8. Click on ANSWER KEY to set up the correct answer option and points for the correct answer.

google quiz

9. Select the correct answer

10. Set the points.

11. To go back to the question - click on EDIT QUESTION.

google quiz

12. I set all my questions as "REQUIRED"

required questions

13. For questions with multiple answers I choose "checkboxes" as a question type.


14. Then I select all correct answers in the ANSWER KEY section.

adding an image

image in quiz

1. To add a picture to a question - click on the image symbol.

google quiz

2. Make sure you marked the choices in the image before you upload it.

Or each answer choice should be very descriptive.

google quiz

3. For extra image options click on the menu button next to it.

google quiz

4. As a caption - you can type "Mark all that apply".

Caption is optional.

5. You can also add images as answer choices.

finalizing the quiz

google quiz

To change the color scheme - click on the palette symbol.

google quiz colors

Choose a color scheme or upload a background image.

google quiz settings

Double-check the GENERAL settings and...

google quiz settings

... PRESENTATION settings.

what students see after they submit the quiz:

student form

Students see their answers.

All wrong answers will be marked in red.

what teacher sees:

teacher form

Next to the RESPONSES tab - you'll see the number of students submitted the quiz.

Click on the RESPONSES tab.

This is where you find the results of the quiz.

student responses

You are done!

Good luck testing!
