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drawing & painting II

final exam
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by JuliannaKunstler.com

Google Slides Portfolio presentation (total of 9 slides):

Slide 1: title

Slides 2-6 (Portfolio): artwork + excerpt for each assignment (5 slides) = 80%

Slide 7: Reflection = 20%

1. Google Slides Portfolio presentation (80%)

Due on the day of your final exam.

Create a Google slides presentation.

slides 1-6: portfolio 80%

Create an individual slide for each project.

For each assignment, add a clear and legible image of it. Quality of the image matters! Have pride in your work!

Write an excerpt for each assignment describing your process and choices for each piece - 200 words:

  • Description of the techniques and the processes that you used.
  • What did you learn by working on these pieces?
  • What are the strong parts of your projects?
  • What are the weak parts of your projects?
  • Looking back  - what would you do differently?

If an assignment is missing or unfinished - it needs to be completed for a full credit.


painting techniques


abstract sunrise: gel+foil


abstract landscape


closeup: oil pastels

oil painting tips

oil painting

Reflection (20%)

Review all art pieces that you created during the semester.

Write an art critique on your portfolio pieces.
The critique should be no less than 300 words.
It should include:

  • How many pieces are in your portfolio? Are they all completed?
  • How did you grow as an artist from your earliest piece to the latest.
  • What did you learn by working on these pieces?
  • Your thoughts, ideas, reflections, etc.
  • Your own evaluation of your art portfolio. What grade is fair?

All projects should be finished. If any of them are not completely done – please make sure they are completed by the final exam day.


Example of a portfolio slide:
