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final exam for semester 1
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by JuliannaKunstler.com

There are 2 parts to the Final exam:

1. Google Slides Portfolio presentation is worth 80% of the grade (total of 6 slides):

Portfolio: artwork + excerpt for each assignment (5 slides) = 60%

Reflection (1 slide) = 20%

2. Google quiz is worth 20% of the grade:

12 questions

All information is available for you on this web site

1. Google Slides Portfolio presentation (80%)

Due on the day of your final exam.

Create a Google slides presentation.

slides 1-5: portfolio 60%

Create an individual slide for each project:

  • Line Repetition Design

  • Focal point design

  • Tessellations

  • Pointillism

  • Layers with holes

For each assignment, add a clear and legible image of it. Quality of the image matters! Have pride in your work!

Write an excerpt for each assignment describing your process and choices for each piece - 200 words

If an assignment is missing or unfinished - it needs to be completed for a full credit.

I’ll be grading your portfolio based on:

  • Are all projects finished?
  • Your personal growth as an artist from project to project (every next project is done with more skills than the previous one).
  • Did you follow all instructions? Did you follow all steps? Did you use all materials the correct way?
  • Craftsmanship and attention to details.
line repetition

Line Repetition Design

Line tangles - focal point design

Focal point line drawing





layers holes

Layers and holes

slide 6: reflection 20%

Write an art critique of your portfolio and your personal growth.
The critique should be no less than 300 words.
It should be written in full sentences with proper spelling and punctuation.

Use art vocabulary to describe your personal growth from project to project.

What did you learn?

How (if) did you improve your art skills?

What are the areas of struggle? How do you think you can solve these problems?

Example of a portfolio slide:

2. Google Quiz (20%)

Google quiz on:

Elements of Art

  • line
  • shape
  • value (including Chiaroscuro)


  • emphasis
  • repetition
  • contrast

All resources are here.