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city block in 2 point perspective

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by JuliannaKunstler.com

city in 2 point perspective

Build these structures in 2-point perspective.

Remember, in two-point perspective all lines are either:

  • vertical
  • receding (go to one of the vanishing points)

Add details to the buildings (more windows and doors, balconies, columns, signs, lights, etc.).

Use empty areas to add more buildings or structures. Be creative.


before you start

city perspective perspective handout

Print the worksheet on 11"x17" paper.

Complete the construction of the buildings. Below you will find the tips for specific architectural details.

simple roof

house in perspectivehouse in perspectivehandout

Build the building from the ground up.

Once you have a block built - time to add the roof.

This is a simple triangle-shaped roof.

house in perspective

Draw two diagonals to find the center of the front side.

house in perspective

Draw a vertical line up to define the height of the roof.

house in perspective

Draw the front triangle.

Draw a receding line to the back side of the building.

house in perspective

Draw a receding line to define the top of the roof.

house in perspective


windows & doors

windows in perspectivewindows in perspectivehandout

Add windows and doors to the both sides of the building.

windows in perspective

On the closest corner:

  • mark the height of the door;
  • mark the dimensions of the windows row
windows in perspective

Draw receding lines to the vanishing point from these marks.

windows in perspective

Vertical lines, drawn between the receding lines will define the windows and the door.

door in perspective

For an arched doorway:

define the top points of the straight part of the doorway by drawing a receding line to the vanishing point.

door in perspective

Mark the highest point of the arch on the center line.

arch in perspective

Draw a curve


tower in perspective tower in perspective handout

Tower roof and windows construction.

tower roof

Find the center by drawing 2 diagonal lines.

Add a vertical line from the center to define the top of the roof.

tower roof

Connect the corners of the tower with the top point.

tower roof

The roof is done..

windows in perspective

Mark the height of the window on the front corner of the tower.

Connect the marks with the vanishing points.

windows in perspective

Add vertical lines between the receding lines to define the windows.

red roof

roof in perspective roof in perspective handout

More roof construction steps.

block in perspective

Find the center by drawing 2 diagonal lines on one side.

measurements in perspective

Add a vertical line from the center to define the top corner.

Draw a receding line from the top mark.

roof in 2 point

Add 2 vertical lines to mark tho top ridge of the roof, connect them with a receding line.

roof in perspective

Connect the corners of the building with the top points of the roof.

building in 2 point perspective

