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grow flower

basic Flash animation
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by JuliannaKunstler.com

Basic Flash shape animation. Animate a flower. Lesson plan.

The theme of the animation is "a seed growing into a full bloom flower with a leaf".

Open the background drawing (your previous assignment).

I am choosing to have my flower growing through asphalt in a city... Why not?.....




Set Frame rate to 12 FPS.

Our animation will last for about 5-6 seconds. So... at a frame rate 12 frames/sec. we need about 70 frames total.

Our background will not change in the movie. So we can add frames up to frame 70.

Click on frames 70 and press F5.


That will add the frames your layers.


Add a layer and name it "seed".

add frames to timeline

Draw something that looks like a seed. Do the best you can if you are using a mouse....

Use a pencil tool for the outline.

Use a Paint Bucket tool to fill it in with a color.

By the way..... I don't care if it is green or purple...

outline mode

See-through layer mode allows you to see the outline of the shapes. It makes it easier to work on other layers and still have a reference to where the hidden objects are.

To "see through" the seed - click on a color box.

add layer to timeline

The next step is to draw a flower stem. Create a new layer. Name it "stem". Place this layer under the "seed" layer. This way the stem will grow from behind the seed.

Lock all the layers except the "stem". This way you will not accidentally change the other layers.


Draw a stem. Full size.

Now.... I don't want my flower to start growing right away. I'll give it about a second + (about 15 frames) before it grows. I want my movie to pause in the beginning... Why? Because I said so.....

So I'll click on me frame 1 of the "stem" layer and drag it to the right to frame 15.

Look at the Timeline below. This is what YOUR timeline should look like.

move frame

I want the stem to grow for about 2 sec. (25 frames).

Click on fr.40

Insert a keyframe there (F6).

add keyframe
transform drawing

Return to frame 15 of your stem layer.

Choose Free Transform tool.

resize shape

Resize the stem drawing to make it so small that it is hidden behind the seed.

transform shapeThis is the size of your stem at this point.
add shape tween

Time to animate it!

Click anywhere between the two keyframes.

Right-click on a frame and choose Shape tweening.


Never draw a small shape in one keyframe, and a big shape in the other, and then try to tween all that.

It will mess up the shapes. Trust me....

shape tweening

If everything is correct - the tweened area will turn green and a solid line arrow will appear between the keyframes.

File > Save

Compare your timeline and mine. They should look pretty close.

Control > Test Movie

That's what it should look like!!!

empty keyframe

Create a new layer above the "stem". Name it "flower".

Insert a blank keyframe (F7) at frame 40.


draw shapes

Draw a most beautiful flower....

Use any of the drawing tools.

The best you can... of course......

add keyframe

Then go to frame 60 and insert a keyframe (F6).

edit frame

Return to frame 40.

transform shapes

Choose Free Transform tool.

Resize the flower to make it tiny-tiny...


Like this

select frame

Animate it.

Click anywhere between the two keyframes.


Choose Shape tweening.

If you did everything correct - your timeline will look like mine:

shape tweening

File > Save


Control > Test Movie


Make sure it does the same things my movie does.

If it does not - ask for help!!!!!

empty keyframe

The last thing is to add a leaf.

Add a new layer. Name it "leaf".

I've decided to make my leaf grow between frames 54 and 70. So I added a blank keyframe at fr.54 (press F7).

add graphics

Draw a leaf.

select frame

Add a keyframe at fr.70.

Return to fr.54 and resize the leaf to make it very-very small....


Animate it!

Double-click between the keyframes.

Choose Shape tweening

File > Save

Control > Test movie

Call me to see it and give you a grade (if you deserve it...)

Make sure you know where you saved this file - we are going to use it again later to add play/stop buttons.

Save the .swf file to your flash drive. You can show it off as your first Flash animation!!
