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solids vs. shapes

Adobe After Effects
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by JuliannaKunstler.com


The Solid Layer is a less complex version of a Shape Layer. It lacks editable Content Properties (like fill and stroke, etc) and does basic Transform applications.

You can use a Solid when you need a simple graphic that is a solid color that can change size, move, change opacity, or rotate. Great for backgrounds.

Because it is limited in its properties, it gets processed faster.

Unlike Shape Layers, Solids have specific pixel dimensions.


Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

Create a new Composition.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

You will see it right away in the project Panel.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

Create a new Solid Layer.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

You can set the dimensions for your solid and a color.

I kept the default dimensions - the Composition size.

Choose a color.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

Click OK

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

In the Project Panel - a folder Solids will get automatically created.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

In the Timeline:

you will see a layer created. The name of the layer will be based on the color you chose for your solid.

You can:

Rename the layer by right-clicking on it and choosing Rename.

Hide the layer by clicking on the Eye symbol

Lock the layer by clicking on the Lock symbol.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

Red bar will appear in the timeline part of the panel.

By default - it spans for the entire composition duration (in our case: 5 sec.). That means that the solid will be visible from start to finish.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

To change the visibility of your solid:

Drag the Time Indicator to 1 second mark. This will define the start of this solid's presence.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

Drag the red bar to the right until it snaps to the Time Indicator.

You could, technically, do so without moving the Time Indicator, but this approach makes it more accurate.

Now, if you play your video - the screen will be blank for the first second. Then the solid will appear.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

To end the solid's performance - drag the Time Indicator to the 4 sec. mark.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

Then drag the red bar till it snaps to the Time Indicator.

This is what your timeline should look like.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes
Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

Play the composition to preview your video.

Use Preview Panel or just hit the spacebar (hit again to stop).

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes
Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes
Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes
Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes
Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes
Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes
Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes
Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes
Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes
Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes
Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes
Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

Solids vs. Shapes

shape solid
Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

Shape is created similar to Adobe Illustrator.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

Shape is created by applying a mask to a solid color layer.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

When shape layer is created - it has a content option - you can add a shape or a group of shapes.

Shape layer has standard Transform options.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

When solid layer is created - it creates a solid color rectangle with defined dimensions.

The solid layer has standard Transform options.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

Shape is created by using one of the Shape Tools.

Each shape has multiple appearance options: fills, strokes, effects, gradients, etc.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

Shape is created when mask is added to the layer, revealing a desired shape.

Solid "shape" does not have an option to change color, add strokes, gradients, etc.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

You can add multiple shapes to a Shape layer.

You can apply different appearance options to each shape.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes
Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes

You can add multiple masks to a solid layer.

All "shapes" will have the same solid color.

Adobe AfterEffects solids vs shapes