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basics of animation

Adobe After Effects
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by JuliannaKunstler.com


Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

Create a new composition: animation

5 sec.

Choose a background color.

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

The new composition will be added to your project panel.

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

Create a new Shape layer.

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

The new shape layer will appear in the Timeline panel.

To draw a shape on this particular layer, it needs to be selected.

So make sure it is.

Adobe AfterEffects animation basicsanchor point

When a layer is selected - you will see the Anchor point in the center.

Use a Rectangle shape tool and draw a rectangle. Choose fill and stroke properties as you wish.

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics
Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

Open the Contents properties of the Layer.

Then expand the Rectangle 1 properties.

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

Open Rectangle Path 1 properties.

This option can modify the shape and its position.

stopwatch button

All three properties can be animated. They have a Stopwatch icon next to them.


Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

Changing the position of the shape will change the distance of the shape from the Anchor point.

Adobe AfterEffects animation basicsAdobe AfterEffects animation basics

By increasing the right value - the shape will move down.

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

By increasing the left value - the shape will move to the right.

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics


Adobe AfterEffects animation basicsAdobe AfterEffects animation basics

stroke variables

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

fill variables

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

transform rectangle

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

Use these settings if you have multiple shapes on the layer and you want to animate just this one.

transform layer content

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

Use the Transform settings for animating the layer.

Anchor point

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

Having Anchor Point settings at 0.0,0.0 will place the shape to its original distance from the Anchor point.

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

Changing the right setting....

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

... will move the shape vertically.

Adobe AfterEffects animation basicsAdobe AfterEffects animation basics

To move the shape sideways - change the left setting.


Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

Take a look at the Position setting:

it shows the position of the Anchor Point in the composition.

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

If you set the position to 0.0 , 0.0...

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

... the Anchor point will be placed in the upper left corner.

Two ways to adjust an anchor point


Adobe AfterEffects animation basicsAdobe AfterEffects animation basics

Changing Transform Anchor Point variables in Layer's settings will move the shape in regards to the Anchor Point.

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

The Anchor Point itself will stay in place.

Use this method if your Anchor point is set at the exact location where you want it to be.


center anchor point

Use Anchor Point tool to reposition the anchor point itself.

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

The shape will stay in place, but the anchor point will be moved.

Use this method if you have the shape at the exact location.

pan behind or anchor point tool

To have the Anchor Point "snap" to the center of the shape, corners or shape's points - hold Ctrl / Command key as you drag the anchor point with the Pan Behind tool.


Adobe AfterEffects animation basicsscale
Adobe AfterEffects animation basicsscale
Adobe AfterEffects animation basicsscale


Adobe AfterEffects animation basicsrotate


To animate an object we need to have start and end points in time. These points are called keyframes.

Think of it as your daily agenda: let's say you have a Computer Graphics class from 11:40 to 12:25.

So your first keyframe will be at frame, labeled with 11:40. Your next keyframe will be the frame 12:25.

Time between these keyframes is where fun happens! :)

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

If you decide to have your object move - you will need to apply changes to the Position values.

stopwatch button

To add a keyframe - click on the "Stopwatch" button next to the property you want to change.

stopwatch button

The button will change color to show animation of the Position property.


You can add or remove keyframes by clicking on keyframe indicator.


If the keyframe indicator is blue - there is a keyframe at the current frame.

Composition Panel shows the path of object's movement

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

If you drag the time indicator - you will see the object move.

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

Animation happens between the two keyframes.

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

You can add and remove keyframes between the initial keyframes.

Adobe AfterEffects animation basics

Bring out Preview Panel to control the animation.
