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masks and matte track

Adobe After Effects
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by JuliannaKunstler.com

  • Importing images
  • masks
  • track matte animation

Let's compare different types of masking - layer mask and track matte

part 1: mask and layer attributes
part 2: track matte animation


import images

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Create a new project in AfterEffects.

New composition: 4 sec.

It is easy to import images, sounds, and other media files into your project.

File > Import

(You can also drag an image onto the screen)

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Once an image in imported, you will see it on the composition screen.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

The image file will show in the Project panel.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

The image will be placed in your timeline for the full duration of the composition.


Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Mask is an area (shape) that reveals the content of a layer.

To add a mask - have your layer selected in the timeline and start drawing a shape.

This can be a primitive (circle, square, rectangle, etc) or a free form, drawn with Pen tool.

Once the shape is closed - it becomes mask.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Mask attributes will appear in the timeline for that layer.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

You can reposition the Anchor point as you would for a shape.

This is how we can animate mask properties:

Mask attributes:

Path animation

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Path - you can change the appearance of the mask by selecting one of the options for path shape.

Place a keyframe at 0

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Place another keyframe at 1 sec. mark

Place the time indicator at 1/2 sec. mark (00:15f)

Click on "shape" setting and change it to Rectangle. This will automatically place a keyframe in the timeline.

Preview the animation.

Feathering animation

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Continue animation:

Place a keyframe for Mask Feathering at 1 sec mark.

Then place another at 2 sec. mark.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Plave the time indicator between the two keyframes.

Change the feathering setting to create a fading effect.

Preview the animation

Mask opacity animation

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Place two keyframes for Mask Opacity: at 2 sec. and 3 sec. marks.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Place the time indicator between the keyframes.

Change Mask Opacity to a lower number.

Preview the animation.

Mask expansion

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Place two keyframes for Mask Expansion at 3 sec and 4 sec. marks.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Place the time indicator at 03:10f.

Expand Mask to a higher value to reveal the image outside the mask path.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Place the time indicator at 03:20f mark.

Change Mask Expansion setting to a negative value to shrink the image display.

Preview the animation.

Layer and mask animation

When you animate an image (or a layrer) with a mask - the image moves with the mask.

Let's try!

Extend the animation.

Composition > Composition Settings

Change the duration to 5 sec.

Stretch the image to 5 sec. mark.

Place the time indicator to 4 sec. mark.

Add a keyframe for the Position setting.

Add another keyframe at 5 sec. mark.

Add a few keyframes in between and move the shape .

Next - let's make the shape disappear.

Place a keyframes at 4 sec. mark for Scale option - it is set at 100% by dedault.

Them move the time indicator to 5 sec. mark and change Scale to 0%.

You are done!!!

Other settings

Try the following:

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

If you choose the Inverted mask option - the reveal area will become the entire layer, except for the inside of the mask shape.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Something like this.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Occasionally, you would need to draw or modify the mask shape while being able to see the entire layer (image).

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

You can do so by changing the mask mode to None.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffectsMasks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

You can restore the mask mode to the default by choosing Add option.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffectsMasks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

You can invert the mask by choosing Subtract mode.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Image layer has standard Transform options.

You can resize, move change opacity, etc.

Both image and the mask shape will be affected by these transformations.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

You can use Pen tool and edit mask shape by repositioning the points and direction lines.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

To reposition the mask shape on the layer:

  • switch to None mode
  • Ctrl/Command T
  • Reposition, rotate or stretch the mask shape
  • Double-click to apply

Track Matte

Because mask always moves with the image, you cannot animate the mask position alone.

Instead, use Track Matte.

Create a new composition.

Add the same image.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Create a new shape layer directly above the image.

Draw a shape on that layer.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Make sure the fill color of the shape is BLACK!!!.

We are going to use this shape similar to mask shape.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Rename the layers.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

Return to the image layer.

In the timeline: find Track Matte menu and choose Alfa Matte "the name of the layer with the shape".

(If you do not see the Track Matte option: right-click on the grey bar and choose Columns > Mode)

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

You will get a result, similar to mask.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

The shape layer visibility will be turned off, and Alpha option is applied to image layer.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

The cool thing about Track Matte - is that it is a separate shape layer with all its attributes.

That means you can animate the shape independently from the image.

Masks and matte track in Adobe AfterEffects

All other Transform and Content options are also available for that shape.

Try animating:

  • In Contents: nimber of points
  • In Transform: Position, Scale, Rotation, and Opacity.

These are the basics for masking in After Effects!

Now you know!!!
