I am starting with drawing circles
Have them different sizes, they don't have to be aligned,,,
Draw bigger circles first.

Then just fill in the gaps with the smaller ones.
Something like this.

Once the initial circles are there, it’s time to add depth
Remember linear perspective?
So Have your stacks of circles go towards some imaginative vanishing point somewhere in the middle.

If you are not comfortable drawing with a marker right away, use a pencil first.
And as long as you are drawing with a pencil, lightly draw full circles, as if they are transparent.
This way you will get the curves right.
When done - outline all visible parts ONLY with a marker.
Just for fun, I’m adding a few more floating circles inside.
Because why not.

Complete the drawing in the same manner.
As you draw:
Vary the size of the circles
Bend the stacks to make them more organic
I decided to leave some empty space in the middle

After the ink is dry, erase all pencil marks.
And a small tip:
I use a dry-board eraser to remove the crumbs.
It works much better than cleaning with a hand.

Before I turn the circles into rings in my design.
Here is a quick sketch of a stack of circles.
Start with the top circle. Draw a round hole in it.
Then move on to the next circle,
Add the part that became visible. Add a hole to that circle... and.. continue doing that until you are done with all of them..

Now, I am going to use the same technique in my design.
Work with one circle at a time.
Keep close attention to where you draw the lines as it is very easy to get confused.
If there are any pencil marks left in your drawing - now is a good time to erase them
Before you start coloring.