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Our daughter would like to do some art. Found your information on our home education group on Facebook. How can our daughter join your training?
William & Bridget
2017-06-09 03:02:10
Great post. I stumbled upon your website and thought i would say that I use truly appreciated browsing your blog posts. Whatever the case I'll be opting-in to find your rss and I hope you write yet again very soon!
2017-06-09 02:35:40
I have to speak about my love for your kind-heartedness supporting those individuals that have the importance of guidance on this issue matter. Your real dedication to completing the you can try here information all through ended up being wonderfully beneficial and have certainly helped some others just like myself to get to their own endeavors. That helpful information means so much somebody like my family and extremely more these details to the peers. Comfortable regards; by everyone individuals.
2017-06-08 12:40:14
Thank you so much for creating such an amazing informational site! I'm trying to get back into art and was searching for lessons I can use to refresh my skills and teach my children. My search is over and we are going to have an art filled summer at our house. Thank you for generously sharing your talent! Camille
2017-05-18 10:18:36
I am SO glad I found your site! I have been looking for something like this for a long time!
Heather Robinett
2017-05-16 09:40:23
Excellent publish. I was looking at constantly this website and I in the morning impressed! Beneficial information especially the last additional reading component: ) We care for this kind of info considerably. I was seeking this particular facts for a long time. Thank you visit site and also best of luck.
2017-05-16 05:51:52
thank you! great site!
2016-12-22 11:33:31
Could I please use your ceramics 1 outline in a local pottery club?
2016-10-13 00:42:36
Hi Julianna, I recently came across your beautiful rhino piece and think it would be perfect for a campaign I am organizing. The campaign is to get artists to post their rhino work on instagram on September 21st. We are asking artists to replace the rhino horn with nail clippings (there is a scan proved on link below). If this is too gross for you tho, you can also just post the artwork as is. Please use the hashtags: #justGiantToenails #worthmorealive #CoP17 #DemandAppendix1 It is important at this time for many reasons. You can read more about it on my blog if you are interested: http://www.daughterearth.com/blog/rhinos I hope you can participate! Best, Katy
Katy Tanis
2016-09-19 15:58:09
What an awesome site! Thank you for your time!
2016-09-15 15:19:34
I'm trying to purchase the Colored Pencils lesson but getting an Internal Server Error when I try to add it to the cart or checkout with paypal. I've purchased Art 1 and Art 2 from you. Perhaps you could give me this one "gratis?" Thanks... http://studio.juliannakunstler.com/art/index.php/sl02-colpencil.html
Elliot Harris
2016-08-24 18:29:04
Am a biographer and in dire need of a pen and ink artist for art work to help tell this story. I have some photos, but not enough, so will go for pen and ink throughout the whole biography. Can you do this and when would you be able? If you would be interested or not otherwise engaged. I have a publisher and should send the entire manuscript to the editor by this fall sometime. I am a writer, not a photog or artist. Thanks.
John W Flores
2016-08-23 15:39:24
Love the mandala project but can you be more specific about making the original circle and divisions in Illustrator or refer to a site? thanks.
paula dalton
2016-08-22 21:28:25
Hello Juliannna! This site is awesome! I used your grid drawing exercises with my 6th graders at the end of the year! I appreciate you sharing your site with others. I teach middle schoolers. Just wanted to make sure I have your permission to use some of your worksheets. Thanks so much! John
John Huston
2016-08-22 07:29:03
Hello!! I am a first year art teacher and I LOVE YOUR SITE! May I ask you for your presenations!
2016-08-19 16:37:15
Bonjour , I think i'm not a real "eleve" for you , but I like your art of teaching and I try to do my best . Well, hanks for sharing your work. Sorry for my english try my best ! Bonne journée .
2016-08-17 03:56:20
Hello, I am a high school art teacher in Oklahoma. I am new to high school art, last year I taught elementary art. I am curious if it is ok to use some of your lesson plans for teaching the older students and also if you had any advice for a new high school art teacher? Thank you for your time.
Elisha Gallegos
2016-08-16 08:33:48
I love your lessons; you are very thorough and organized. Do you share your lessons? Is there a way to use what you have created? Thank you, Wendy
2016-07-09 11:40:38
great tutorial on self grading without flubaroo. do you have a script to email the students back their results? That would be extremely helpful!
steven chetcuti
2016-06-24 08:47:47
I love your site and the assignments. Do you have all of your assignments as PDF including the information? I would love to use this with students. Thanks!
Kelci Rote
2016-06-22 11:21:52
I love your site. Last time I was here I watched your drawing lesson with sound of the marker as it peacefully moved...Cannot see it now. Thought that would be SO GREAT for talkitive students to see and hear ... and slow down noise as well the creation process... Paradox was the name. Could we have it back?
Marja carpenter
2016-05-22 17:23:50
Thank you so much for your site. I am learning so much after years of wanting to draw and believing that I couldn't. Your lessons are giving me confidence and ability to keep trying. Thank you for your clear pictures and printouts that I can take with me and look at offline. I am so grateful for your willingness to share your hard work. Maybe others will follow your wonderful example. Thanks.
2016-04-27 16:04:10
Wow! Thanks sooooo much for sharing!
Carl Emblidge
2016-04-26 09:01:09
Dear Julianna, Awesome site! I was wondering if you know of a good and reputable company that will maintain a kiln? I am a first year teacher at Central H.S. and would love to know where you guys have your kiln maintained. Thanks, Tedd
Theodore Grube
2016-04-13 11:28:17
*preferably :)
Jennifer Frith
2016-03-16 22:52:14
Hi Julianna, I am so appreciative of you sharing my work on your post: http://juliannakunstler.com/dp_sketch_thank.html#.VuoZwRIrKi6. Will you please credit with a link to my original post, preferabbly with larger font? http://www.jennys-sketchbook.com/blog1/2013/08/flip-through-gratitude-journal-pages?rq=gratitude%20journal As you can understand, I would greatly appreciate the traffic. Thank you so much for thinking to share my journal pages on your website. Sincerely,Jennifer Frith www.jennys-sketchbook.com
Jennifer Frith
2016-03-16 22:51:34
Juliana, I was picking up your ideas off of pintrest before I actually got to your site. I love your ideas! I get to teach a few classes of art next year in addition to English. I am so excited and even more so after finding your site! Thank you for sharing your knowledge, skills and ideas with all of us just starting out...it is greatly appreciated and I hope to do your ideas justice! You are doing so much to spread the love of art to the world...you are an inspiration for me! Thank you so very much!
2016-03-04 10:39:50
Thank you Juliana, so much for all of your incredible ideas! As a new art teacher, it is so incredibly helpful to have a resource like this. Thank you!!
2016-02-21 13:24:39
Hi Julianna, I teach K-5 and last year my students had a long term sub. We are thankful, but the kids need to be exposed to the wonders of Art. I am planning a lesson on Tessellations for my 5th graders and just wabted to give you Kudos on your website! It's awesome and thank you!
B Quander
2016-02-14 21:23:01
Brilliant content! Thanks so very much for these reasources. As a first year fine/digital arts teacher it has been a great source of inspiration. Thanks again.
2016-02-04 01:03:58
Hey your website is absolutely amazing and so very organized!! I am teaching a fine art survey class and wanted to have my students create art history timelines. I saw that you have some timelines, but I was wondering what you have your students do with them? And now that I am typing this, I see that someone else has asked you this before, so I am sorry for the repeat. If you could just guide me to the answer please? Thanks!! Your're site is such an inspiration!
Rachelle Foster
2016-01-20 12:07:54
As a new art instructor I really appreciate your website and find the information and the layout of your curriculum excellent. My question on the Art history site is with the timelines? What info needs to be included or completed by the students? I need some direction on how you are using this. Thank you again for helping me
Kim Wedel
2016-01-13 11:44:17
Your website is beautiful. What a resource for students. So organized and thorough. What do you use to build your web pages? I teach high school art in Missouri. Drawing, Painting and Art History and someday would like to do the same for my students. Again just beautiful!
Melissa Chaney
2016-01-12 22:46:55
Your artwork is amazing ... so impressed with not only the finished projects, but with your imaginative style. Do you use a lighted magnifying lamp? If so, what do you recommend?
2015-12-21 14:25:58
You have spent a huge amount of time and artistic intelligence developing a lovely resource and "voice" for your vision. Congratulations on your efforts!
2015-12-05 09:13:41
Your site has been a fantastic resource for my class; thank you for the inspiration!
2015-11-30 09:20:45
Love this lesson and plan on using it in the near future with my students. I just wanted to let you know though that complementary is not spelled with an i. May want to update the spelling on your website:)
2015-11-18 09:07:43
I just wanted to say thank you for a great site. I am going to introduce color to my 2-D Drawing/painting class and they are very low skilled at this point. I think that the optical art illusion is perfect for that. I was actually going to video a step by step as well. Thank you thank you!
2015-11-04 12:35:24
I am a student teacher about to go out in the world of teaching art. Your website has been invaluable to me. Thank you so much for taking the time (considerable time) to help budding art teachers like me. You cannot imagine how much stress you lifted from me with your presentations/projects. Thank you again!
Beverly Mecum
2015-11-03 09:39:57
I am an art teacher and I really like your scratch art samples. However, do you know the proper way to switch out the blades from the scratch art tools? I can't seem to figure it out. Thanks!
2015-11-02 13:05:29
I really like the chameleon image that you used in one of your grid drawing demos. Where can I get that image?
Bill Wright
2015-10-13 15:57:07
I think you are amazing!!! As a first year Art teacher with no art curriculm to go by you are heaven sent!!! I will be purchsing some lessons from you once I get my SCope and Sequence!!! God Bless and thank you so much for such a great wensite!! with love true fan - Denise <3
2015-10-12 13:37:51
Hello Julianna, I have found your site to be very inspiring and helpful. I teach at our local high school. With the redesign of the AP Art History and this being my first year to teach it I am having a hard time finding helpful resources. I visited your site for the first time this year just today and saw you added an Art History section that I had not seen before. I was wondering do you have block schedule. You seem to cover a whole lot of information in every week. I love your timelines that you put together, I had not thought of doing it that way. Any tips on staying on target as far as covering what needs to be covered and doing so thoroughly? I have 50 minute classes and we don't seem to go as deep into the info as I would like to. Thank you for all your help, - J.Sainz
2015-10-07 22:20:14
Hi Julianna I came across your website while searching for an art class for my 8 year old daughter. You work is beautiful. I wanted to enquie about whether you offered art classes for children? Thank you Arthie
Arthie M
2015-09-25 08:42:46
Hi I need to create a guide in indesign for my business cards. I want to include the bleed. The size of the card would be 3.75 x 2.25. That includes the bleed. I just want to know the margin settings and the size of the paper that I would have to set in indesign. Thanks.
Dennis Fontanilla
2015-09-24 12:58:39
Hey there! I visit your site quite often, it's actually bookmarked!!! #ArtMatters
2015-09-15 09:28:19
I just took a long term substitute postion as an art teacher until December. I have felt SO out of my element (not my subject/content area) and this site has been AMAZING!!! Thank you beyond words for posting all of your amazing ideas. You Rock!
2015-09-14 19:25:35
Hi, if I take your lessons, would I be allowed to sell my own art? Thanks
2015-09-07 05:43:01
Need to learn line art and related for fashion studies
2015-09-01 00:50:20
Please write back thanks
judy schultz
2015-08-31 12:53:58
Hi Julianna, I have been teaching art for four years now and I love it. This is my first year teaching Middle school art and would love to purchase some of your lessons. I will borrow some ideas and change it of course. I also am teaching art history next quarter as well. I guess my question is which packages do you suggest since I am on a budget. I will also reference you of course. I really believe it makes a beer art world when everyone shares ideas. Thanks Judy
judy schultz
2015-08-31 00:20:13
Wonderful website!! Can you recommend a good drawing and/or visual/studio art text book for high school art students?
2015-08-27 14:25:32
2015-08-26 08:37:12
I am so impressed with your website and lesson organization. I am working on building an online platform to house my instructional resources. I would love to model after you. I am new to building websites. Where did you create yours?
shannon borrego
2015-08-13 16:35:13
Julianna, I'm a veteran teacher but find myself in the unique position of teaching art for the first time. Thank you so much for all the great information and resources on your site. You are amazing!
Natalie Sommer
2015-08-11 18:29:29
Hello! As a new art teacher I wanted to extend my apreciation for your website. I have a pretty developed art cirriculum - with that said - this website is AMAZING! I's such a resource my colleauges and I have been marveling at your scope and sequence! Thank you for laying it out so nicely! You have given me much to reflect on during this upcoming academic year!
Mary Gustafson
2015-07-29 23:04:53
Do you offer painting classes individually? Price? I am interested as a birthday gift for my 19 yr old daughter who loves to paint and is trying to decide on a career. Thank you.
Lucinda Cross
2015-07-23 09:28:38
Great work! I'm going to adaapt your Surrealism Animal lesson and include the beasts of Bosch, Bruehel the Elder and Breton - thanks for the inspiration!
MaryAnne Christiana
2015-07-21 14:02:50
Thank you for such an inspiring and compete site--WOW. I am a new art teacher and am very thrilled to have discovered your website. Aloha!
joy from Hilo
2015-06-30 01:48:11
Great work. If you want to exhibit unglazed ceramic sculpture how many times should you fire it? Once to bisque stage and then one more?? Helen
2015-06-16 05:16:53
I am a (relatively) new teacher, but have worked in the Graphics industry for nearly 32 years, mostly in California. In 2003 I decided to change careers and become an Art educator. It took nearly 9 years in the evening hours, but I finally earned my Single Subject Teaching Credential in Art, as well as a Masters in Education. I've been working somewhat steadily, mostly as a substitute and/or Temporary Contracted teacher since 2010. I just wanted to thank you for the time and effort that you put into this site. I have edited several Weebly sites, but nothing this extensive. you've inspired me to develop a single site like this, from all the bits and pieces of sites I've built. Thank you for the motivation. Jay Wing
Jay Wing
2015-06-01 16:53:52
So excited about your site.....I have been teaching highschool art for only two years, but your iste is so put together....thanks so much for sharing....look forward to trying some of your lessons....
Jeanne Crabtree
2015-05-31 14:08:14
Beautiful site, and so well put together. Thank you for sharing it with the rest of us! I will most definatly use it as both a resource and inspiration. ~TW
2015-05-21 12:49:19
Hi Julianna, I'm a Certified Zentangle Teacher and, inspired by one of your lessons, posted a tangle pattern design on my blog some time ago. I recently received this message from a blog reader and wanted to share it. "Dear Margaret, Bunches of thanks for sharing your lovely works of art. I am feeling really inspired by your works. I am kinda speechless what to say about your beautiful designs. I want to thank Artist Julianna Kunstler through your site as i failed to do so on her site. I was amazed by her works and already produced a still life with a combined inspiration from http://krokotak.com and Kunstler. Have a Blessed Journey Thanks again. Tahmina" Keep up the great work!
2015-03-19 16:22:57
??????? ?? ?????. ?????!
2015-03-18 03:21:03
Thank you so much for sharing all of your lessons on this beautiful website! This is my first year out of college, teaching art in a large public high school. Your art lessons have been a huge inspirtation %26 have helped me greatly this year! Wonderful ideas!!
Nicole G.
2015-02-02 13:44:57
Hello Julianna, I want to say thanks for the instructions to the optical design! I loved it very much and just did two tangle-tiles with it. If you would like to have a look, here it is: http://sandrastangles.blogspot.de/2015/01/optical-design.html Many thanks and greetings from germany, Sandra :-)
2015-01-25 08:19:13
Julianna, My name is Linda Schmale and I help coordinate "master classes for Colorado Art Education Association for their Fall and Spring conferences. One of our member recommended contacting you. Where are you located? If you are near Colorado would be interested in presenting a Master class for us. Thanks
Linda Schmale
2015-01-13 11:13:11
When I access your web site the page shows for a few seconds then blanks out. I do not have this problem with other sits. HELP
Linda Sauer
2015-01-06 13:04:29
I think this is a pretty cool site. I am an adult who has wanted to study art history since my art history class in college didn't teach as much. It was more about the content of the artworks, who did what when. We never had any worksheets to help us. I like that idea. I was wondering, you mention in your descriptionn of the art history class that you included the exams. I don't see anything but the chapter worksheets. Where are the exams? Also, what do you do with the timelines when you print them out? I noticed there isn't hany info really in the sections. Does the student fill those in? Or do you do anything with timelines? Thanks.
Monica Kelley
2014-12-14 22:51:36
So glad I found your site! I am an art teacher K-12, and greatly admire your obvious self-discipline and instructional technique. Keep up the great work! Thank you!
jerome rochon
2014-12-02 23:20:09
Great new look to your website! Love it! You added new classes too! Well done!
Jim K
2014-11-10 12:19:38
Thank you for all your helpful information and lesson ideas! GREAT VISUALS
Cardell M.
2014-11-05 08:49:10
Wow! You rock! Amazing work and lessons. Thank you for all your valuable information. As a fellow art teacher I really appreciate when people post lesson ideas and instructions. Very cool!
Kaitlin Douglass
2014-11-03 08:55:32
What an impressive knowledge and work you have put down here! Very helpful. Thank you!
Gunilla Olsson
2014-10-21 00:21:03
I just wanted to say thanks for the awesome tesselation information! It was clearly explained and extremely helpful!!
Anne Clayton
2014-10-16 19:34:48
Please let me know when your Ceramics II site is up and running! I need your expertise and great high school student instructions for the potter's wheel.Thank you!
2014-10-15 07:15:39
I was so thrilled to find you website. I have been teaching Art for 20 years and have been looking for new, innovative ways for teaching Art. Your lessons are wonderful and I can't wait to get started with my students. Thanks for sharing your lessons with the world.
2014-10-14 10:24:18
Hi. Quick question... I used to sharpen scratch art blades for a distributer and he disappeared, leaving us unpaid with thousands of finished blades. They are SK-1's and SK-2's and most are all packaged up and ready to ship and all have been inspected and approved. If you know any artists who would be interested in some, we would be very grateful to see these get used instead of just sitting here. Another well known artist, Cathy Sheeter, hooked us up with several of her friends and I sold approx. 2,000 blades to them at one dollar per dozen. I still have about 3,000 SK-1s and close to 10,000 SK-2's left. I was selling them so cheap people thought I was a fake. I'm not only for real, I shipped orders the same day without being paid in advance. Some folks call that stupid, I call it trust. So let me know if I can help you out. I'm writing as many artists as I can find and sending them this note. Thanks Rick in CO
Rick Johnson
2014-10-03 12:32:43
I'm a second-year Art teacher in Wisconsin and I had to tell you that your site is an inspiration. Thank you.
Johnny Wheeler
2014-08-29 16:37:29
Juliana, What a fantastic spirit you have. I paint and teach art too, and my goodness, you can inspire in bucket loads! LOVED looking around your site, and I'm planning to sign up for a couple of the mini courses (printmaking.) I can tell you've had a fantastic education in art yourself, as many of my Russian artist friends have. Lucky you. And lovely you for passing it all on! It's been a pleasure, and I shall be checking in again regularly. Thankyou..... from sarah bell, watercolourworkshops.co.uk
sarah bell
2014-08-29 13:29:17
Hola... me encanta tu wev.. te felicito por tus originales ideas, actualmente soy maestra de arte para primaria y acaba de idear varias clases gracias a ti,.... el lider es quien inspira... saludos
Esther de Herrera
2014-08-17 20:53:29
I love you sight. I spent a good portion of my morning looking at what you have. I plan to show some of my art students examples from your students. Thank you for being kind in sharing images and techniques.
Tammy Bergman
2014-08-13 16:54:20
A 'friend' told me about your technique...I have a Pinterest page dedicated to what I call 'Sprouts," and your tutorial is right in line with it. So, I added your site as a tutorial on the optical design for them. What a good way to start the day. :) Thanks.
Sherin San
2014-08-12 07:32:23
I was very well impressed by your web page. I'm new to edmodo and was wondering if you would share with me how you use it in your program?
Michael Johansen
2014-08-10 22:35:49
Julianna, Your students are obviously very inspired and motivated with your leadership and direction. How can I get in touch with specific questions? Good luck in the coming school year!
Toni Mauro
2014-08-01 18:50:56
Amazing art work and an amazing web site! Thank you for sharing so much of your beautiiful work and lesson plans. I will return to your place many times!
Leslie Vaughan
2014-07-31 21:08:48
Loved your website! just happened across it and I will now be a frequent flyer! gorgeous use of watercolor images
Dawn Graham
2014-07-24 08:53:41
Thank you for your generosity! Your website is wonderful!
Angel Nahon
2014-07-10 14:10:33
Thank you so much for this unbelievable, wonderful, fascinating huge piece of work! I am so happy and grateful, I found this inspiring and motivating website. You blew new life into my creative work! I love it!
Elvira Blasi
2014-07-01 05:33:11
This is absolutely the most comprehensive, best Art lessons website on the internet. Thank you for sharing. I am going to use many of your lessons and ideas to improve my curriculum and student learning. I have been teaching art for 14 years and this blows me away!
Judy Durkin
2014-06-12 03:30:11
One word! AMAZING!!!! Excellent work! I have only looked at the site for 10 mins and this art teacher with 23 years of experiance is VERY impressed! Thank you! My new favorite space.
Sue J. Smith
2014-06-03 09:28:15
I am always on the search for new fresh ideas, your blog is amazing. I would love to purchase the course , but it says it is currently out of stock. Thnak you for all of your hard work.
2014-05-06 11:48:42
I have searched many art blogs and sites for inspiration to really "teach" children art and not just produce pretty pictures. Thank you so much your site ticks all the boxes. I love it!
2014-04-20 05:58:04
Thank you so much for all the great info! I'm a brand new art teacher and your school art page is so inspiring. I hope that I have a portfolio as great as this one day!
2014-04-15 21:27:09
Thank you for your ideas! From a very busy teacher.
2014-04-13 21:08:53
fantastic works I welly loved this site since the first moments I hsd been entred it
2014-04-06 09:50:03
Great Site for educators and students. Thank you for all of the hard work and inspiration.
2014-04-01 08:42:48
thank you!!! :-)
2014-03-25 22:40:08
I absolutely love the batik you have on your Art 2 page. I would love to use this lesson plan. When do you think you would have it ready? I used to live in Indonesia... always looking for lesson plans on batik. thanks Julianna.
Josh R
2014-03-24 16:00:44
I enjoy your site very much. It is lovely! I'm particularly interested in perspective. I began my interest in high school art, and now I'm 71, retired and ready to take up where I left off! I have done a little over the years of my life. Maybe I could enroll in your class.
2014-03-21 18:54:23
Wonderful website! I could use so much from your website for my classes. Is is OK with you to use your assignments, etc. for my classes? I teach Art and Music 1st - 6th. I was thinking of adapting many of the projects for my 6th graders. thanks so much for considering, josh
Josh R
2014-03-18 22:22:30
Great photography activities! Very user-friendly!
2014-03-11 13:33:52
Enjoyed your site! I teach Art 1 also. Loved the project ideas!
Jan Allen
2014-03-11 12:08:33
Can you please email me more details on rotation tessellations? Thank you!
Jeanne Erickson
2014-03-06 12:49:07
Being a calligrapher i,m really interested in the way tessalations ribbons and theoptical pencil drawings can be incorperated into my work .. really inspiring
Steve Clark
2014-03-06 03:42:12
very inspirational
2014-03-03 00:23:30
Amazing....can't say anything else, !
2014-02-13 03:46:56
I've always loved this type of art!
Michael Cain
2014-02-06 14:04:25
I love your work -- especially your use of colored pencils. I am using Kuntsler for the first time in a piece I just finished. Haven't colored it as yet.
Estelle Goodnight
2014-01-28 17:57:50
What a great site you have developed here. I am an admin for 2 FB Zentangle-inspired groups and look forward to sharing this with all of my members. Thank you for sharing.
2013-12-19 14:18:15
Love your site.
Susan Bennett
2013-12-09 21:38:20
I am very new at tangle and found that it has helped me overcome the fear of being an Artist. I am going to take your beginners lessons after the Christmas Holiday and your work is an inspirtation.
Janice Heck
2013-12-06 10:36:27
I'm learning so much in your class. You're such a great teacher and I cannot wait to have more classes with you!
Hannah Barron
2013-12-06 09:26:24
Julka, razwie eto Ty?????????? :) Napiszyj oczen' praszu. Wzglan' na swoj sajt na Facebooku. Andrzyk
Andrzej Szczepanek
2013-12-06 00:25:09
I'm teaching in Laos and with little supplies for the students and a language barrier, your site has been a savior... could I ask you somthing ih a personal email? jinni
jinni mitchell
2013-11-27 21:11:31
I was doing some research into artists and this site really helped, thanks!
2013-11-25 07:59:39
2013-11-11 05:33:02
hi, i was doing some research on observation artists and i was hoping that i could use you and your work in my gcse work? thankyoou! :)
2013-10-30 12:04:39
Thank you Mrs. Kunstler for sharing your work with fellow art educators! You have allowed me to question my own program and make improvements for my students. I cannot thank you enough for helping me to improve as a teacher. My best to you and yours.
g wortham
2013-10-29 04:35:37
Hi! First of all great site second I had a question? qhat kind of pens did you have the students use for your 3D ribbons? Thanks!
2013-10-24 19:15:54
Is your watercolour pencil class a video that can be accessed again and again? Or is it an online live class?
2013-09-20 14:01:08
Thank you so much for sharing your lessons! You have such good ideas and it is super helpful.
2013-09-19 09:13:45
dear julianna, i stumbled upon your website today while looking for interesting ideas using value scales. your website and especially your sharing of ideas, lesson plans, etc. is exemplary! thank you so much.
2013-09-11 16:33:41
amazing job across the board -- you're inspiring
2013-09-05 17:15:37
Great site for ideas for my classes! Thanks! Marsha
Marsha Shaw
2013-09-03 15:15:30
at last = another artist who enjoys dry media ! I love your work.
2013-09-01 08:20:48
julianna congratulations is so beautifull your job im painting birds and mamals in color pencil my jobs are in the prismacolor page sorry i dont speak inglihs
maria victoria
2013-08-18 20:28:25
Same as Rita, I found a Pinterest link to your website. Brilliant, I am all for stealing from fellow art teachers for the greater good of the kids. The quality of your site has me needing your permission to use and share with NEBOCES. Thank you
2013-08-15 11:32:17
I found a Pinterest link to your website and WOW! It is fantastic. I would like to use many of your ideas with my students but would like to reimburse you in some way. I know how much effort this site must have taken. Any ideas?
2013-08-04 19:36:10
This is fabulous! You are very dedicated to your students. It reminded me of my design class in college. Your students are fortunate to have you.
2013-07-31 19:51:52
Thank you for sharing!
2013-07-31 12:23:01
Your site is an absolute treasure! Thank you for this!
2013-07-01 10:46:57
History of Art for Young People; ISBN 0-8109-4160-3
2013-07-01 06:33:29
Love your site! Like Cynthia , I would like to know what text book you use for Art History? Thanks
2013-06-28 19:30:43
I love your site it is amazing!! Well done!! I have one question for you. . . .What text book do you use for your art history lessons?
Cynthia B
2013-06-19 08:02:32
Kunst! I've been really busy this past week and had zero time for anything. But if you still want to go to the event that is going on in Waukesha today it starts around 6 and is held is down town Waukesha down on Main St. Text or call me if you need anything. :D 262-716-1908
Ericka S
2013-06-07 15:28:43
Julianna, I am amazed and inspired by your creations, your work, your dedication to teach others and your willingness to pass on your gift. Thank you so much for sharing with the world. I wish I was a student. There is so much I would love to know. I will do EVERY ONE of your on-line lessons! I am so excited. I was in such a hurry to grow-up I let my inner artist fade. But she is back and I am feeding her and nursing her back to health. There is so much I have to learn. At almost 40, I may be one of your oldest "high school" students yet...well, what I can have assess too. Thank you so very much! Warmest Smiles
2013-06-03 17:45:39
Dear Julianna, Pardon me if I address you this way. That is what I see in your artistic creations. You are an intricate genius!
2013-05-18 13:05:23
Your lessons are awesome! The diagram on perspective is a great visual for my students.
2013-05-17 09:14:50
I'm using Stumble upon and so happy to stumble on your page. Some pages I go by very fast but when I stopped at yours. it was such a treat a joy to see your wonderful art. Each one is special and I love the way you experimented with subjects and how you applied the paint to the surface. I have been away from art for too long and seeing your art has given me incentive to get back to it very soon. Thanks so much for making my Mother's day Sunday very special. here in Florida USA.
2013-05-12 15:45:38
I am totally amazed at the curriculum you have created. So much work!! Beautiful job and how selfless of you to share all your hard work with other instructiors. What a blessing!
Laura Grisham
2013-05-05 18:04:00
Dear Julianna I saw your idea for the opticle design about a year ago, on the facebook page of a friend of mine, and I loved it. I didn't have time at that moment, so I made myself a promise that I would try to make one myself during my summer holidays. I wanted to share the result with you. :) Here it is: http://www.afbeeldinguploaden.nl/photo/view/35802/h6Ptopz. I have given it to my grandparents and now I'm planning to make a bigger one this summer! Thanks for sharing the idea.
2013-05-01 16:06:03
Your site is amazing! Your work inspires me when Iḿ teaching art to my chidren. There are so many techniques.Thank you for let me have a look at your page. I've found it by chance.
Concha Rincon
2013-04-19 04:22:23
I love your site! I really like the hand and flower paintings. Could you tell me paper you used and how you achieved the texture- some of it looks different than just salt. Thanks
2013-04-15 12:43:40
Love the site! Your hard work and dedication to teaching visual arts is here for all of us art teachers to enjoy. I truly wish I could put together a site with even half the resources you have provided. Thanks so much for allowing this site to be utilized. I found it on Pinterest.
Susan Biggers
2013-04-15 08:30:59
Love your site! I am a musician, composer, and improviser, but you make me want to learn to draw and paint. Can't thank you enough for this terrific, gorgeous, enriching site, a feast for the eyes and ultimately the soul.
Jeffrey Agrell
2013-03-21 17:14:52
Kunst! I am taking part in the Waukesha Guitar Town! I get to decorate a playable Les Paul that will be on display for all to see! I just wanted to thank you for helping me get here! Your an amazing teacher, you inspired me to go to Carroll and then you told me to take a class with Phil. You helped make all of this possible! It would be amazing if you could come to the opening in June. :) Once again. Thank you so much for helping me get here. Rekki
Ericka Surowaniec
2013-03-19 23:30:06
Thank you for creating and sharing your site! Your teaching pages are inspiring and informational. Love the way you have structured your curriculum with excellent examples and info. Best, Marcia
2013-03-08 07:09:45
Thank you so much for opening your site to the public! I found it through Pinterest and I am SO excited to volunteer to work with my son's classroom using a few of your great lesson ideas!! It is quite unfortunate that Hawaii schools have cut art programs. Your perspective lessons are fantastic. Mahalo!
2013-03-07 13:12:21
Thank you for opening your website again. I am looking forward to using more of your lesson plans.
2013-03-05 14:25:22
Your website is incredible. I am an art teacher and struggling with hard to teach students. I stumbled upon your site looking for perspective lessons and found many ideas to use with my students. I need to find things they all can succeed at...when I try drawing, some of them hyperventilate or crawl into a shell or throw things out of frustration. Thank you for creating an amazing source and sharing!!!!
2013-02-21 22:54:05
Hello beautiful lady, i was taking a few minutes to look at your site, Wow just wonderful Julianna!!! You can face book me at Tracie Garman my maiden name from long ago,lol, i will look forward to seeing you in the near future! Again it was so nice meeting you from the bottom of my heart ! You are a lovely and very talented lady! Hugs,Faustina.....
Tracie Garman
2013-02-16 14:13:55
I too somehow stumbled upon your site and am enjoying it very much. I've used your art classes for sketchbook activities and project starts. They are very helpful. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your ideas and lessons. I'm a long time artist with an eclectic taste and many mediums. Your work is lovely.
2013-02-14 22:26:29
Thank you so much for contacting me to let me know that your site is open again! You are a true inspiration and your work is amazing! I am a new art teacher this year and your work has helped me so much already. Thank you for your generosity for sharing. You have a beautiful and radiant spirit just to do this for people you don't even know. All the best to you!
2013-02-09 13:35:50
ur meen
2013-02-09 01:38:35
wow. i'm glad you opened this again! i stumbledupon one of your lessons a while ago and was disappointed to find the rest of your website shut down. I'm not a teacher or anything, just a student that really likes art and isn't that good.. and i can't wait to try all of your lessons now that they're open!
2013-02-08 16:18:18
An architecture student in my first year. Loved your work and was hoping i would be able to learn more from you.
2013-02-05 09:35:48
I am an art teacher and would love access to your site for inspiration.
2013-02-03 11:52:08
Would like entry to your site. Thanks
2013-02-02 19:31:23
An art teacher needing help! I would love to inspire my students! Can you help me?
2013-02-02 00:44:23
You are awesome. I loved your works !
2013-01-30 15:28:36
I was so sorry to hear you have had problems with your site! I used it often last year when discussing color theory with my students! Your color wheel was so helpful when explaining color schemes! Is there anyway I could gain access to this again?
Amy McGuire
2013-01-27 14:44:17
Thank you for your generous spirit in sharing great lessons! Sorry people have to ruin something that so many have enjoyed. Hope you are able to get it back on track. Thanks again!!
2013-01-27 09:42:32
please open your website. please
2013-01-25 18:37:24
I do enjoyed your classwork assignments and would like to know how I can access them again. I live in a senior community and would like to access your curriculum so that I can bring some art inspiration to the community. Please let me know how I can do this. Many thanks.
April Works
2013-01-24 21:18:57
Please open your website back up soon, I love your tutorials and I am starting my art class at school soon. Could you make a guest login, or something equivalent?
2013-01-23 09:03:25
I am would like to echo the thoughts of fellow art teachers. If there is any way to support you in opening your site to teachers again I would gladly support it! I would love to be able to include some of your tutorials or thought processes with my students. Thank you for your beautiful work!
2013-01-22 19:38:34
thank you for this tutorial veryinteresting!
2013-01-22 16:52:22
Ive forgotton my password
2013-01-19 17:48:09
Thank you for sharing your wonderful lesson plans! I have rarely seen such a comprehensive and beautifully presented curriculum. I am so blessed to have discovered your generous contribution to art education!
2013-01-13 11:50:26
thank you for sharing this very unique and beautiful tutorial. i'll be making one of my own right away. please contact me when you get your site back up and running and good luck to you. i look forward to following your page in the future! amanda
2013-01-12 22:35:25
I just wanted to say, your work is amazing and in the beginning of our school year when my students were required to research current graphic projects by other schools, they absolutely loved seeing your work! I loved your tutorials as they are awesome to ideas from. If there is ever a way to access your site for teachers, please know I would love it and support it whatever way I could. Thanks for being an inspiration! --Stefanie
2013-01-07 12:15:44
I got your site from Darryl from Palm Desert Ca. I now live in Spokane WA. Anxious to see your beautiful art work and hopefully take advantage of the classes. Diana
2013-01-05 18:23:58
I stumbled upon your site! I hope you get it worked out soon. I'm anxious to see your art classes!!! Your paintings are beautiful.
2013-01-04 14:40:37
your potical art lesson number 1 was so awesome! I hope you figure out everything soon so that I can see what other projects you have!! :)
2013-01-02 11:19:06
I love your art lesson #1, and would so love to do more. I'll keep an eye on your site, and if you're able to open it up, I'll be there! Thank you for your splendid spirit.
2013-01-01 11:22:04
great work. I am glad you are passing this on to the children. thanks
2012-12-29 22:08:19
i stumbled upon your site...its so beautiful! please open it up soon so that everyone can enjoy your artwork as much as i have :) Keep up the good work. Ur really really talented :)
2012-12-29 14:12:30
I StubledUpon your site and loved it. I'm very sorry that I can not create an account and would love to follow this site. Please contact me if you get it up and running soon...
2012-12-28 11:17:54
i havent seen alot of your site becuase of something that happend but i reasently stumbled upon one of the pages and it let me see a few things and i must say your are probley the best art teacher and you have amazingly talented students... well any way i wanted to ask if you ever thought about starting a blog.. ? there is a site called tumblr that is probley the easyest :)
2012-12-22 18:05:14
You are just the best there is
2012-12-22 00:54:30
Dear julianna, I am so sorry. Im art student in tehran and your site is very very usefull for me. in persian we say when i loose something i understand the value of it. i hope your site back soon. thank you
2012-12-18 12:43:17
Dear julianna, I am so sorry. Im art student in tehran and your site is very very usefull for me. in persian we say when i loose something i understand the value of it. i hope your site back soon. thank you
2012-12-18 12:43:16
oops - I didn't think my e-mail would show, could you please remove it - thanks :)
2012-12-18 10:22:30
Sorry to hear about the attack, take your time - as a middle school art teacher, I know it's a crazy time - I hope I get a chance to see what you have done, when it's back and running. Good luck this year, Jim Cipalla Art Teacher jcipalla@nps.k12.va.us
jim cipalla
2012-12-18 10:20:37
Dear Julianna, I too, agree with the others that the hacking you experienced is tragic and cruel. When you get up and going and more protected: I would like to be considered for some of your classes on line. I do not mind paying for an on line class. I have had hand surgery for 2 years and the classes that I could take are two hours away from my home. I am now ready to begin again and need a good instuctor to break the fear block I have developed. I hope you will consider me for a class. Thank you and Blessings
Cheryl Shannon
2012-12-17 09:50:54
I really like your paintings!
Antara Ghosh
2012-12-15 17:24:01
Hello! I am a fellow Art teacher from MN. I would love to do some kind of a collaborative lesson if you're interested. I really appreciated the sneak peak I got if your printmaking page. Shoot me an email, I'd love to see the rest and see if our students might work together on something. Cheers!
Bre R
2012-12-15 10:24:46
hi my name is ethan stout and i love to draw and do art and i stumbled upon you optical illusion lesson and it was so fun i wanted to check out the rest :D i have no bad intentions of any kind i just wish to broaden my art horizons :D please if you could or ever would let me into your art class section id be forever grateful
2012-12-13 16:43:32
Hi Miss.Juliana, I love the step-by-step illustration of art being given by you. My hobby is painting, but I did not know how to teach art to my 7 year old daughter. With the help of your website, I think I know now. Thanks a million for it.
2012-12-10 23:34:25
Miss Juliana, I am so sorry to hear about the hackers to your website. I was so excited to refind your website only to be disappointed that it's now to your students only. However, I completely understand and I hope you have your site back up and running soon. :)
2012-12-08 22:48:45
hi Miss juliana, im from mexico , im no a student or an artist but i like lern about art by myself, if i become a student you make me awesome "feliz" i just want learn
2012-12-07 18:54:00
I apologize for these awful attacks on your work. I do really enjoy your teaching and I wondering if when you do get up and running again could you give me an email? Heard about your site thru Pinterest. Sounds like you have great ideas. Art Teachers Unite!
omer yosef
2012-12-05 20:10:45
Sorry to hear you are having some trouble. When you do get up and running again could you give me an email? Heard about your site thru Pinterest. Sounds like you have great ideas. Art Teachers Unite!
Carlin Glennon
2012-12-04 08:48:42
I'm am sorry to hear the trouble you were experiencing with your site, I hope that you will be able to install some security features to prevent these problems in the future. Your site has been motivational and easily understandable, for someone learning, thank you for sharing your knowledge and creativity.
Stefani K.
2012-11-30 07:43:55
i just want to enjoy in the club, so i can see all the beautufyl design things than you do in ' art classes'. so how can i do this? please tell me. bye
2012-11-28 14:19:25
I really enjoy your page and I could really get to sit down at home and practice what I can't other times. Please I hope we are able to see your page again, soon! Would really appreciate it!
mara Acosta
2012-11-28 02:48:36
pat l
2012-11-27 10:23:55
I hope that you can fix the site because it was a blessing to us in the art field who are limited in the techno world! lol I love your color wheel page and used it last term with my middle school students. I thank you for the opportunity to use it and wish you the best. Mrs. Buzbee in WV
2012-11-27 09:10:02
Hi Julianna! Your site is great, I'm sad to learn what happened. I can't wait until you're back up and running again for the public. Thanks for everything thus far!
2012-11-19 01:00:59
I love your lesson plan. I too look forward to seeing some more of your lesson plans!! I would love to share this with my class
Terry Cervantes
2012-11-15 22:51:15
I too hope youll be up again soon. I teach art and get a lot of inspiration from you. I LOVE your work. SO sorry your site was attacked. Make sure you back up everything this time.
2012-11-13 07:40:11
I found this page on StumbleUpon. I hope you can open your page to the public soon. I look forward to the day that you do. =) Have a good day.
Jason Aleman
2012-11-12 17:54:03
Awesome website. Hope it will be open to art-interested people in the near future. You're very talented. Some of your exercises remind me of a method of art that I teach - Zentangle. Tricia CZT
2012-11-10 21:20:25
I found this on stumbleupon! It is awesome- I am a hs art teacher, I am always looking for new ideas- inspriring things! Hope you can find a way to share that is also safe. Mean people suck, don't they??
debi o
2012-11-10 07:59:34
I'm looking forward to this website being available again! It was wonderful instruction, and I would like to share it with my homeschooled 8th grader. Thanks!
2012-11-08 20:14:40
I stumbled upon one of the lessons and I can't wait to get to see more! I keep checking back.
Rebecca Nolting
2012-11-08 19:44:41
Hi, i was looking through your site and i got really inspired, i would be much appreciated if I could check the other contents of the site. if you could email me back it would be great. thank you
2012-11-08 09:14:07
hello, this site is fantastic! it would really help me a lot if i got access to your site. your work has inspired me a lot. thank you.
kareena shah
2012-11-08 03:42:07
Love the work, keep up your success story
2012-11-06 19:55:34
hi there this site looks so great, it would really help me to have access to this since my school has nothing like a website focused on fine arts. i first found the site looking at white pencil drawings and i felt really inspired. any way would love to look at the rest of the site, and email me back :)
2012-11-06 00:55:22
Hello, I found your site on Google looking for supplemental material for my art 1 class. I really like your ideas for teaching the grid technique. I am a HS fine arts teacher and was interested in seeing how you approach other lessons but noticed that there is a login. Would it be possible to access your classes so that I could add you as a part of my professional learning community? Thanks! All the best, Mitchell
2012-11-05 14:00:27
Your website is such fantastic resource!! Thank you for all you do. You have taught me so much too. I love how thorough your website it and it is my goal to one day have one that is this comprehensive as well. Best, Ennis
Ennis Everette
2012-11-05 12:26:24
can you please let me access your art classes??
Orange lin
2012-11-04 20:14:28
Hey this is Jeanne in Searcy ar. I had contacted you about two years ago about projects for Photoshop. Can you email me I can't access your assignments any more. You have been a life saver for the class i teach. you have taught me so much.
jeanne Dale
2012-11-02 10:55:54
Hi Julianna - I am sorry that you have had to change your website. Unfortunately for me, I was starting one of your lessons for my Art 3 classes. I absolutely love it. It is the collaged/layered nature study. Is there any way that you can give me your instructions. I teach at a high school in Northeastern Pennsylvania. I would appreciate any help you can give me. Thank you.
2012-11-01 13:56:41
Dear Julianna, I am a teacher in a hospital school in australia. I love your work and was wondering if you could give me some ideas for art experiences with my class.I'm not an art teacher and am often stuck for ideas. My students are accutly ill and many have tried to leave this world prematurely. I love working with them as they are often very creative and highly intelligent. My primary job is to re-engage them everyday life,monitor progress and report to the medical team. please get back to me if you came find the time to help. kind regards, teresa.
teresa the mental health teacher
2012-11-01 02:11:39
Pitty!! I'd really like to learn more from this site!!! Just love it!
2012-10-31 21:36:44
Love your site! I can't wait for it to be available to the public again! The instruction was impecable. Wishing you the best. Thanks for the great material. You're students are lucky to have you as an art teacher.
2012-10-31 00:57:11
I too think your site is awesome. Your instruction is given so well that even a dummy like myself can understand. You must be an excellant teacher and your students are very lucky to have you. I hope you can bring back this site. How unfortunate that anyone would attack your site. So sorry. Good luck to you. You're an excellant teacher.
2012-10-28 22:33:00
I just found your page when searching for perspective tutorials, and.. its real great. wish you all the best and ... be careful in protecting your site, otherwise ask me about it ciao :-)
2012-10-27 13:41:44
This site is AWESOME. Please bring it back. :)
2012-10-26 17:52:15
I just now came across ur page on stumble upon. WOW. I would absolutely love to see some more of your tutorials! hopefully soon! I will be waiting anxiously :)
2012-10-26 16:04:14
I love your tutorials, and I really self taught as an artist and your tutorials help me so much. Could you please open them up to the public soon, or make a guest login
2012-10-23 13:51:12
pls make it fast i am dying to see more. your ideas r just supereb.
2012-10-23 02:28:17
Ooh, please do open back up for visitors! Your tutorials are wonderful and were helping me recognize my inner artist!
2012-10-22 14:27:50
So, so sorry to hear that someone would attack your site! I loved looking at how well organized you laid everything out. I hope you are able to remedy this situation. Best of luck in that endeavor. -n
Noreen Croyle
2012-10-20 05:27:35
Hi! its my second time on this web site and i just wanted to tell you that i love it, but i would also love to have more acces to inspire me, ofcouse if you can do it i would thank you a lot, I am from Mexico an I really like it, anyways, if you cant thanks and have a nice life.
cristina espinosa
2012-10-19 10:23:55
If you will need help to getting your website online, and securing it from further attacks, please contact me by mail I might help (I am a webdev).
2012-10-18 20:20:39
I came across your site via Stumble Upon: your work and tuts are wonderfull. I hope you find the time to have it all back up and running soon.
Chy-Anne Lane
2012-10-17 12:19:28
I was really sad to read your letter. Your work is absolutely inspiring - your assignments are out of this world. Your students should be saying thanks for having such a skillful and accomplished guide and teacher!
2012-10-15 12:43:20
Love your site. Hope to see it back....I am a beginning HIgh School Art teacher an dit has been a huge help to me!
Melissa Jordan
2012-10-13 00:10:15
Your work is wonderful. My class looked at your graphics and loved the assignments and I'm trying to do some similar lessons with them. I'm sorry that you had problems with people messing with your site. Your personal artwork is wonderful!!! Thank you for sharing while you could!! I hope we can view your site again in the future!!
Mrs. Pearce
2012-10-12 16:27:25
Julianna, I was thrilled to find your site...I found it articulate, comprehensive and motivating. How good of you to share your work!! Would you consider allowing me to log into the site...this is my last year of teaching and would so enjoy enriching my class room lessons with some of your ideas. I dissappointed to day when I was looking for a strong idea to do with Art 1 and your site was no longer available! Lora Lea from Kentucky!
lora lea dawson
2012-10-11 14:49:06
hi, i came across ur sight acccidentally but loved seeing a illustration. i would be highly obliged to get some tutorial videos 0n oil pastel painting technique from you online as i am a resident of mumbai india. thank u . my heart goes out to you , your art.
2012-10-11 04:23:37
i only say your illusion and very interested in learing more. it just amazing, would really like to join your class :) thank you
2012-10-10 09:43:40
Hi! How do I join your art classes? Kind Regards Zhandi
2012-10-10 09:33:59
Hey loving your stuff, I’m working on a surrealistic painting right now for my year 12 art project and you’ve already given me some helpful ideas. :) thanks
s. kelly
2012-10-10 04:28:51
Love your site, I've adapted several of your lessons for my middle school art classes. Can I please have a copy of your grading rubric? I looked at it before you created the passgate. I'm reworking my grading criteria, and I liked what I saw on your page.
S. Wind
2012-10-09 23:38:07
Julianna Can you tell me which color of miniwax do you use for your painting lesson? I started it in my HS class but see there are alot of different choices available. Thanks Chris
2012-10-08 12:59:23
You have wonderful ideas! I'm inspired to do art again
2012-10-07 23:34:51
You have wonderful ideas! I'm inspired to do art again
2012-10-07 23:34:50
I am a graphic designer and an artist, and currently a full time mom to an autistic child. I found this site on Stumble Upon, with the wavy design. It was alot of fun, and a good way to practice and refine my skills as an artist. My husband liked it so much that he went and bought a frame and hung it on the wall. I really enjoy your style, and find it easy to put in my schedule. Thank you very much for introducing me to a very creative way to hone my skills, and feel productive as an artist. I hope that you are able to fix those attacks on your website, and look forward to seeing more of your ideas.
Heather Tuttle
2012-10-06 18:54:41
I found my way here the same way pchamling did. I have a son on the way and felt inspired to decorate my home with some creative works so I returned to this site as a starting point only to find that there were "attacks," on your page. I am truly sorry to hear such news and I hope your art classes will be open again soon. Your students are very fortunate
2012-10-05 06:14:50
that life is more fun for me to picture anyone to do anything. www.resimdersleri.com
resim dersi
2012-10-03 03:49:45
Stumbleupon brought me here. There was an optical design art with curve wave lines. I found it to be really creative. I wanted to know see more works but unfortunately i couldn't. I'm an art lover so I'm really interested in this site. Please let us see more creative works and inspire us. Thanks.
2012-10-02 12:58:38
I found you on Pinterest. Thank you for all of your wonderful ideas! Your students are fortunate to have a teacher like you! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work!
2012-10-01 13:43:45
Stumbleupon brought me here. Started making the optical illusion art, would love to try other things in the art classes section. I am very interested in work. Let me know if there is a way to access other parts to try out! Thanks!
2012-10-01 11:37:10
I would love to see your examples of your surrealism lesson plan. I was inspired by your site and wanted to do something similar in my class. Thanks so much :) good luck
Tarrah Huff
2012-10-01 11:07:02
I stumbled also on your site and am anxiously awaiting for access. You have a great site. Please let me know by email also if things change. Joan
2012-09-30 06:32:30
I was hoping to have access to Art classes, I dont see how limiting to some people would stop attacks on website.
2012-09-29 00:39:58
Madame , I stumbled on your web site and I am in awe of your artistry and creativity. I salute your talent and sensitivity and please let your students know how lucky they are to have you as their teacher. Sincerely, Diane
Diane Girard McFadden
2012-09-28 23:05:34
I love all the arrtwork but I can't see the other pages ):
2012-09-28 22:03:06
I LOVE all your interestisng projects. They are so well thought out and clearly communicate the skill you are teaching. I have truly enjoyed looking through your site. Thank you for sharing! Diane
2012-09-27 23:35:13
Saw your work and love it. Was disappointed that I could not view your whole web site. If something changes will you please e-mail me. Would love to see the art class section. So sorry you had troubles. Vickie
2012-09-27 19:39:40
hi, im from fiji. your site looks interesting.
2012-09-27 19:00:42
how can I enter your page?
2012-09-27 10:27:25
I would like to enter your page. How do I sign up?
Susana Arredondo
2012-09-26 13:51:09
hola, soy de México. Me han servido mucho tus lecciones, por favor no tardes en regresar.
Luna Jahmajal
2012-09-26 10:39:07
Hello! A fellow art teacher showed me your site as a great resource for ideas and examples-- and it is! I hope you will be willing (and able) to share your work again! One thing I love about our profession is our openness, sharing, and caring. I know your site would be helpful and inspiring! It takes a lot of time and energy to build a site like this-- I haven't done it, but after getting a brief look at yours, I would like to. Please let me know when/if you are sharing your site again-- Thanks!!
2012-09-24 07:35:53
hi!, I'd love to join your art classes, how can I do it?
2012-09-23 15:19:41
Hi! First of all, I love your work, I am an aspiring artist and seeing your work makes me want to do more. I guess I have the same question as many others, how do I view your art classes again?
2012-09-22 13:34:25
Hello! You do amazing work! Love your artistry. I too am a brand new high school art teacher and was inspired by your lessons that I found on pintrest, but now they are gone. Any other way to view them?
2012-09-22 13:26:20
How may I join your art classes?
2012-09-21 21:17:50
I love what you do! Please let me see more
2012-09-21 21:16:50
I would love to sign up to view your lessons. I am a high school art teacher and loved the lessons and the way you had them presented on your website. Will you still allow us to view them???
Michele Dolezal
2012-09-21 15:42:11
I would love to see more lessons. I love how you go through them step by step. I would love to learn more. Thanks:)
Mississippi Art Teacher
2012-09-21 15:23:39
Hello! I love your website... As do many others... noticing your log in, I was wondering if you closed it down to only your students??? I was using your color wheel page for my art class, now I can't get to it..AHH! Anyway to sign up?? Thanks Jen Cerami High School Art teacher
2012-09-21 13:13:21
I am new to teaching high school art classes and would love to see any lessons on art history that you would be willing to share. Thanks so much!
Dawn Schrader
2012-09-21 10:58:28
I would love to take some lessons,how do I SIGN UP
Helmi Switzer
2012-09-21 00:03:33
I like the many others loved your lesson plans and the simplicity that you were able to communicate them in. Are you allowing a login for other teachers to use your brillance? I was going to teach a couple lessons (perspective and Tessellations) using your techniques because I saw them much easier than how I have taught them in the past. Thank you for having so many good ideas!
Lindsay Robertson
2012-09-20 09:16:51
I love your lesson plans and would like to register if I can. Thanks!
Abby Burton
2012-09-19 22:46:34
I was very exited of your lessons! Is there a way to register? I would like to see more...! Great work!
Isa Götz
2012-09-19 11:29:01
Love your lesson plans and resources. It has been great sharing them with my students. Is there a way to register to view them? Thanks for sharing and all your hard work!
Justin Pedrick
2012-09-19 07:42:00
I have looked at your website before and loved your lessons. I would love to register.... Michele Dolezal
Michele Dolezal
2012-09-18 15:39:33
Afternoon, I absolutely love your lessons. I was interested in registering also. I teach high school and love the resources! Thanks for sharing Kristin
Kristin Quinn
2012-09-18 14:01:35
Hi, I would love to be added to be able to register.... Thanks, Andrew
Andrew Waring
2012-09-18 10:38:57
Hello I'm looking for art classes and in google appears your page, of course I see and read the past entries and your work, so, I want to know how can I get registered? Greetings :D
Pamela Lartigue
2012-09-17 16:58:15
PLEAASE let us register. I desperately need your photoshop tutorials. I will pay you.
jennifer spade
2012-09-17 13:42:32
I am with everyone else. You have some great lesson plans and was wondering how to register.
Annie King
2012-09-17 13:34:39
Like everyone else, I'm an art teacher and I love your lesson plans. I would very much like to register for that section; what do I need to do?
2012-09-17 11:59:31
I would also like to know how to register. thank you Kim
2012-09-17 10:48:41
Hello, yesterday i visited your website and i was able to see your tutorials, now it requires password. how can i register? thanks, andre
andre mcheileh
2012-09-17 03:05:10
How can I log in to see your Art Classes pages? I'm very interested in it!
Xavier Bentué
2012-09-16 18:20:50
I just love all of your ideas for the art room! I am a HS teacher and just stumbled upon your page this summer. Will you be putting it back up for public viewing? I have so many ideas I want to "steal" for my own kids. Thanks!
2012-09-16 14:47:05
Hallo. Julianna. Nice Work and nice Classes. I would like to ask your permition to post in my WebBlog a translated (in Greek) Version of the Optical Illusion tutorial. http://juliannakunstler.com/art1_opt_des.html. with Credits to You, and Link to the original article and to your Home page (i've posted it for a couple of days, but I Realised that's not right, and so I got it OFF, So i will Ask Your Permition first)
Nikitas Palojannides
2012-09-13 07:56:18
I love your ideas for the at classes! Thank you for all the great ideas. When will the site be available again? I'm dying to know what you will be adding! Patiently waiting, Liz, New Orleans, LA, USA
Liz Rioux
2012-09-07 09:35:33
I loved Art 1 and the projects you have for youn people. I teach art to young children. I run an after school art program from my Studio and I was looking for tessellations to do with a very noisy and energetic group of children to help them to develop concentration skills. GReat stuff, Raquel Redmond, from Brisbane Australia
Raquel Redmond
2012-09-04 08:47:21
thank you for your excellent site. this has inspired more ideas into what i already teach on the jr high level. also i liked the way you presented the class outline. much better than mine!
jo milam
2012-08-25 15:09:50
:D i love this,, its so inspiring me :D thanks :D
sheila hana azizah
2012-08-24 02:53:07
I love your site! I am truely looking forward to trying out more of your class projects! When will they be back up?
2012-08-21 22:11:58
Your lessons are so inspiring!
2012-08-18 00:36:36
I love your site! Your art classes and the examples are so helpful...thank you for sharing!
2012-08-14 09:45:29
Thank you so much for posting your class assignments. I am self-taught and these lessons will allow a more disciplined approach.
2012-07-18 09:54:29
As someone who wasn't able to take art as an option in highschool this gives me the lessons I need to imrove! Thank you
2012-07-01 05:14:40
Thank you so much for creating your art tutorials! I went to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and have been a practicing artist for many decades. But still I was enlightened/encouraged/challeged by your site. I know it must have taken much time to create. I will return to it often!
2012-06-22 22:27:01
Hi, I took one of your sketching art tutorials and applied it to watercolors. It was amazing. Best painting that I have ever done.
2012-06-21 23:45:04
Stumble also sent me here. Bravo. Well organized, thoughtful, beautifully done.
2012-06-16 02:19:06
I've been a high school Graphic Arts teacher for the past eight years. I have never found such a high quality website devoted to arts education. You are truly making an impact on thousands of individuals. Thank You!
Jim Goodwin
2012-06-15 20:00:35
I'm 73 and have been painting for about 10 years. This site has taught me much that art books (and experience) don't show you! I would love to be able to just follow your site. Some of your theory explains many of the aboriginal designs here in Australia. Regards, Patricia.
Patricia Williams
2012-06-13 21:56:31
OH MY! thank you for generously putting all of this online for others to see. It is amazing and inspirational!
2012-06-11 17:08:57
I love your site, Julianna, and would like to follow it, I hope there's a way to do so, is there? Thanks for, well, everything!! Laurel
Laurel Rogers
2012-06-09 04:52:04
I cannot believe that I'm HERE!! I've been always dreaming about studying art however I couldn't have chance to attend to any class. This website amazingly just gave me that fortune! The lessons are logically organized and easy to study step by step! Thanks for doing this excellent work! :)
2012-06-06 12:23:04
I'll be the third stumble
2012-06-05 01:41:32
Stumbleupon sent me here, too. Cool!
2012-06-04 22:55:25
Stumbleupon sent me here. <3 I looked through your art classes stuff and was really impressed and inspired by all the different things. I just got done with a sketch thanks to you!
2012-05-11 02:39:07
Your site is AWESOME.
2012-05-09 21:37:16
I also found your site on stuble upon... FANTASTIC!! I am definitely going to be using some of your projects in my art II classes next school year. Thanks for sharing all the great ideas!
Holly H Tracy
2012-05-09 15:02:16
I found this site from stumbleupon.com and I'm in love!
Jonah Ansley
2012-04-30 13:22:31
Stunning. Fabulous. Dangerously addictive
2012-04-28 15:36:43
I too came across via stumbleupon.com, and immersed myself in your art history class..even printed off the worksheets and will complete them on my own. Thank you so much for being a glorious resource to the art world! -Viktoria
Viktoria Palacios
2012-04-20 23:48:29
I also came across your website via stumbleupon.com and then spent my entire afternoon completing one of your photoshop classes. Thank you, thank you for a great lesson! As a self-taught Photoshop abuser, it was just what I needed.
Jeanne Oliver
2012-04-18 08:46:36
Came across your scintillating work via stumbleupon.com and more specifically the surrealist text (painting) with all the creatures. Is any of this for sale? dos vedanya
Tom Baber
2012-04-17 02:13:36
Your projects are explained incredibly well and you do an amazing job covering concepts with the projects you have chosen. I will be busy trying out so many of them! Thank you!
2012-04-14 12:38:12
wow .. I feel fortunate to stumble upon this site .. I wish there was some kinda way to subscribe to this .
2012-04-13 01:32:08
2012-04-11 23:56:32
Your teaching techniques are absolutely superb. Students who study under you are fortunate indeed.
ritha fellerman
2012-04-10 21:47:29
regards from Kaliningrad
2012-02-22 15:55:59
KUNNY! I'm going to the Art is Grand event in Milwaukee! Wish me luck! :D
Ericka Surowaniec
2011-10-03 14:24:50
Your talent shows, congratulations!
2011-05-27 14:35:54
A well deserved win! The poster is beautiful! Wish i could have seen it with the drink.
Randy Welniak
2011-04-26 23:01:52


