skills assessment
perspective, color schemes, patterns
This assignment is to be done in class.
You will be assessed on the following skills:
- linear perspective construction
- color selections: color theory and color schemes
- completing patterns
- coloring techniques
- creativity
Your tasks are:
- complete the drawing of the windows using a 1-point linear perspective,
- complete the pattern of the wallpaper design,
- select colors for the pattern based on analogous or complementary color schemes
- add a scene behind the windows
- color the scene
Please make sure you complete all steps.
Keep track of time:
- 10 minutes to complete perspective, trace, and erase extras
- 20 minutes to complete the pattern, trace, and erase extras
- 35 minutes to color the pattern
- 50 minutes to draw and color the scene
materials used
paid links
laserjet paper
drawing pencil B
Sharpie ultra fine point
gum erasers
Prismacolor premier 24
Prismacolor premier 72
color markers
oil-based markers
18" ruler

Using a ruler and a pencil, find a vanishing point and a horizon line.
Use existing drawing to determine the direction of receding lines.

Use fine lines.

Use a fine-point marker to outline all visible parts of both windows.

Erase all pencil lines after you are done with the windows.

Use a pencil to determine the repeating elements and complete the wallpaper pattern.
Use grid-lines as guides.

Outline pattern with a marker.

Erase all pencil lines and marks.
You are now ready to color.

Select 4 colors to color the design.
Use analogous or complementary color scheme.

To speed up the coloring process: color the background first.

Color the next element.
Stay inside the lines.

Continue with the rest of the elements.
Color the window frames with markers.
Use different shades to support the lights and darks.
Now: use your creativity and imagination to draw a scene behind the windows.
Start with a drawing pencil, then use colored pencils to color.