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popcorn factory

creative drawing

by JuliannaKunstler.com

Draw an imaginary popcorn factory including all machinery, conveyors, creative settings, etc.

I should be able to tell that this factory produces popcorn by just looking at the picture. You know the process – so exaggerate it to a “factory size”.

materials used

paid links

drawing pencil B

white erasers

ebony pencil 12

Prismacolor scholar 48

Sharpie ultra fine point

sulphite 90lb


popcorn factory


This assignment is all about creativity, imagination, and shading skill.

Think of similar concept in the movies’ scenes like:

“Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory”

Toy factory in “Santa Clause"

Be creative. Use your own ideas and imagination. Use #2 pencil for shading!
