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grid plan

2 point perspective
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by JuliannaKunstler.com

Print out 3 grids.

Position the following forms and build them up using 2-point perspective rules.

block in perspectivel shape in perspectiveu shape in perspective



grid layout

Mark the perimeter of a rectangle on the grid.

grid 2 point perspective

building up on a grid

Add height by drawing 4 vertical corner lines from each corner.


There are only 2 types of lines in two-point perspective (vertical and receding):

  • Vertical lines, that show height - stay vertical
  • Lines, that show depth - become receding lines and go to one of the vanishing points.
building up on a grid

Front corner:

Decide on the height of the block by marking the top front corner.

Draw 2 receding lines from that corner to the vanishing points.

Mark where they cross the right and left vertical corner lines. That will define the right and the left sides of the block.

building up on a grid

From these two corner points - draw two receding lines to the vanishing points.

These two receding lines and the back corner line should cross at the same point. That will define the top side of the block.

building up on a grid



layout plan
building up on a grid
building up on a grid
building up on a grid
building up on a grid
building up on a grid
building up on a grid
building up on a grid
building up on a grid
L shape on a grid plan


grid plan layout
building up on a grid
building up on a grid
building up on a grid
building up on a grid
building up on a grid
building up on a grid
building up on a grid
building up on a grid
building up on a grid
u shape on a grid plan