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obscure color wheel

spectrum painting
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by JuliannaKunstler.com

WI State Standards:

  • AA Cr10h
    Investigate: Engage in critical thinking, problem solving, and research through elements and principles of art and design studio practices and processes. (aesthetics / problem solving)
  • AA Cr11h
    Plan: Formulate original concepts by practice, experimentation, and revision. (planning/experimentation)
  • AA Cr12h
    Make: Create works of art that introduce students to media, care of tools, and basic craftsmanship skills.

Learning objectives

  • Intuitive thinking
  • Problem solving
  • Consistency
  • Understanding the color wheel
  • Expressive qualities and exploration of color
  • Color mixing

Create a unique color wheel that coincides with primary, secondary, and tertiart colors (total of 12 sections).

Use your imagination to create something obscure but recognizing all the colors in a subtle way.



step 1: sketching

Sketching is an important part of a creative process.

Sketch out your ideas. Do not stop at your first solution. Explore more ideas, then make your choice.

You can manipulate the wheel in any way, but the spectrum should be completed as a full circle, have all 12 colors, and colors should go in order.

If you choose to create a linear spectrum - make sure yoy start with RED and finish with RED-VIOLET. The colors do have to be painted in the correct order.

step 2: drawing

Fill the paper as much as possible.

Carefully draw the layout of your idea, including all details.

Plan on that at least 80% of the artwork should be painted!!!.

step 3: painting

Start painting the color wheel with the three primary colors.

Then mix secondary colors.

Then terciary colors.

Everything else, that is not a part of your color wheel should be black or greyscale.

WI standards Grading Rubric
standard no evidence beginning emerging proficient advanced


aesthetics / problem solving

(color mixing, order of colors - spectrum)

Work is not complete and/or does not show the process from specified instructions or there is no evidence.

Student does not understand how to mix colors and to achieve the desired hue;

Colors are not in the order

Student attempts to mix proper colors, but some colors are off or missing;

Colors are not creating an illusion of a color wheel or spectrum;

Color wheel area is too small;

Too much white space

All 12 colors are mixed correctly, painted in a proper order.

Student used grey and black paint to support the wheel.

Artwork is interesting, detailed, shows understanding of proper color mixing,

Greyscale areas support the focal point (color wheel),


planning / experimentation

(creativity, sketches and idea development, unique solution)

Work is not complete and/or does not show the process from specified instructions or there is no evidence or is missing

Solution is not original or very basic,

No evidence of brainstorming or careful planning.

Some basic sketches were done, but not enough to develop a unique solution

Comprehensive research and sketches were done

Sketches (multiple thumbnails) for a unique solution.

Artwork is creative and original.


Careful planning, numerous sketches (multiple thumbnails) for a unique solution.

The solution is interesting, unique and detailed.



(painting technique, craftsmanship))

Work is not complete and/or does not show the process from specified instructions or there is no evidence or is missing

Painting is sloppy, not carefully placed within the outlines,

Some areas are not painted

Painting technique needs improvement..

Painting technique is good, paint stays within the lines, small brush strokes, paint is not watered down or bulky

Craftsmanship is good

Beautiful craftsmanship;

Painting is flawless

Attention to details