Take a close look at the 6 squares in front of you.
What do you think is hidden within each square?
There is something there, that only you can see. Reveal it and share with everyone!
Use existing shapes and lines to incorporate them into a realistic and recognizable object/setting/ place/person. No abstract designs or patterns here!!!!
Treat each square as an independent artwork.
Once you came up with an idea - execute it using a pencil or a fine-point marker.
Look at the first square. Ignore the rest of the worksheet.
What does it look like?
Can it be a part of a scene? ... a creature?..... a surreal landscape?
Start sketching with fine pencil lines.
Add lines and shapes to share what you saw in this picture.
Once you are happy with the outcome:
Add depth (3-D) to the drawings. Use a drawing pencil or a ultra-fine point marker to add details and shading.
When shading:
use very small strokes and a variety of tonal values (lights and darks)
Then move on to the next square!
I will be grading:
- the project is completed (all 6 pictures are done)
- creativity and imagination
- craftsmanship and attention to details