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grid plan

2 point perspective
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by JuliannaKunstler.com

learning objectives:

forms on a plane

  • Define vanishing point, horizon line, receding lines
  • Use 2-pt. perspective to create a grid
  • Render complex forms on a grid plane


assignment details

assignment: 2 point perspective

Build these 3-D forms on a grid plane.

Apply color values to support the illusion of space.

grid in perspective

Start with drawing a grid.

Grid dimensions: 9 x 9 squares

Draw 2 vanishing points on the horizon

Draw 2 receding lines to create the front corner of a grid.

Use a grid building method:


receding lines

Draw a horizontal line through the corner mark.

Place additional evenly spaced marks on the line to both sides of your corner mark.

The number of marks on each sides is equal the number of squares you want in the grid. We need 9 segments on both side.

grid in perspective

Erase all construction lines.

Now you have the grid



These are the shapes that you need to build in 2-point perspective.

layout  in 2 point perspective

Position the shapes on the grid.

You can shade them or outline lightly.

building forms

form construction in 2 point perspective

Build one form at a time.

form construction in 2 point perspective

Draw vertical lines from each shape's corner

Define the height of the form (you decide on the height) - you do it by choosing the height of the FRONT CORNER of each form.


  • All vertical lines stay vertical
  • The rest of the lines - show depth - they all go to one of the vanishing points.
  • Draw all lines (corners) even if they are not visible.
form construction

Keep the complex form to build the last.

Outline all visible sides and corners.

form construction in 2 point perspective

Continue with the rest of the forms.

final project in 2 point perspective

Color the forms using a variety of color values - keep the values consistent.
