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in 1 point perspective
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by JuliannaKunstler.com

checkerboard in 1 point perspective

Print out the worksheet and draw a grid in 1 point perspective.

checkerboard worksheet

Follow the steps provided in the presentation below.


grid in 1 point perspective grid in 1 point perspective grid in 1 point perspective grid in 1 point perspective grid in 1 point perspective grid in 1 point perspective grid in 1 point perspective grid in 1 point perspective grid in 1 point perspective
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grid in 1 point perspective

1. Draw a horizon line.

2. Place a vanishing point.

3. Draw the front edge of the board by drawing a horizontal line. Make it 8” long.

4. Divide the line by marking every inch..

receding lines

5. Connect each mark with the vanishing point.

grid in 1 point perspective

6. Add depth by defining the back edge of the board.

Draw a horizontal line between the first and the last receding lines.

grid in 1 point perspective grid in 1 point perspective

7. Draw 2 diagonal lines

grid in 1 point perspective

8. Draw horizontal lines through the points where receding lines cross the diagonal lines.

grid in 1 point perspective

8. Erase all additional lines. Your grid is done!

checkerboard in 1 point perspective