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Special Effects

 in Photoshop
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by JuliannaKunstler.com


Students learn to apply special effect to an image.

Essential questions:

1. How to save, load and combine selections?
2. What are filters and how to apply them?
3. How to color a photograph?
4. What are the properties of color and how to change them?
5. How to use grid?

Scroll down for Pixlr tutorial




Open the image in Photoshop

set 1

Zoom in the first set of pears.

We are going to color the pears.

1. Use Magnetic Lasso tool to select the right pear.

2. Switch to Quick Mask mode to clean and fine-tune the selection.

3. Back to Standard mode.

4. Save the selection:
Selection > Save Selection
name it: right

5. Deselect.

The selection is saved in Channels panel.

6. Select the left pear.

7. Save the selection as "left".

8. This is what your Channels palette should look like.

10. Load the "right" selection (Selection > Load Selection > right)

11. Before we paint over the pears, we need to remove any existing color information (make it black-and-white)

Image > Adjustments > Desaturate

12. This is what it should look like.

13. Create a new layer. Name it "paint".

14. Select the paint layer. This is where you are going to do all the painting.

The default layer mode is Normal. If you start painting on the layer with Normal mode - the pear will not look realistic.

There is a special blending mode for coloring - Color

It blends the painting layer with the layer below.

Choose this mode.

15. Select a soft brush.

Change Brush opacity to 50%

16. Choose a nice Green color and start painting.

17. Select a pink color and add a few pink strokes to the pear.

18. When done - Deselect the right pear.

19. Load the left pear selection.

20. We are going to use Gradient tool to paint the left pear.

21. Go to the Tool box and choose Red color for Foreground and Yellow color for background.

22. Go to the Option bar and select "Foreground to Background" gradient type.

23. Click on "radial" gradient button.

24. On the paint layer, click in the middle of the selection and drag the gradient outwards.

25. Deselect.

26. Layer > Flatten Image ( it will merge both layers together)

set 2

27. Zoom out (double-click on the Hand tool)

28. You are going to load both selections:

Select > load Selection > right

then go back to Select > Load Selection

select "left" check "Add to Selection"


Now you have both pears selected.

29. Place the cursor inside the selection ( you should have any selection tool active).

30. Drag the selection over the next set of pears.

31. You are going to color the pears without painting them:

Image > Adjustment > Hue/Saturation

32. Check Colorize option

The Colorize option changes the nature of the Hue/Saturation control. When checked, it removes the color from an image and overlays the image with a tint of a single hue and saturation.

This option is unlike the Hue slider, which changes only individual pixels based on their present color values.

33. Move the Hue slider to the left to color the pears green.

34. Move the Saturation slider to the left to tone down the color.

35. To hide the selection edges (to preview the result) - go to View > Show > Selection Edges

36. You will see the pears without the distraction of the selection's outline. (Pears are still selected)

37. Turn the Selection Edges back on!!!!!!!

set 3

38. You will need a grid for the next set of pears.

Go to View > Show > Grid

39. You will see the grid over your image.

Now you need to customize the grid.

40. Go to Photoshop > Preferences > Guides, Grid, Slices & Count...

41. For this particular project, set the Grid options to:

Gridline every: 200 pixels (not 2 inches as shown, sorry)

Subdivision: 1

Choose a bright color for the grid.

42. Now each set of pears is in their own cell.

43. Select the Rectangular Marquee tool

44. Set the options: Fixed size,
200 px x 200 px

45. Click on the third set of pears.

The selection should "snap" to the grid.

46. You are going to colorize this set in sepia tones (looks like an old photograph). You can do it directly on the Pears' layer, or you can add an adjustment layer, that can be easily removed or edited, if needed.

Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Color Balance

47. Set the color as you see on the picture (13, -14, -38)

48. Do you have the same result?


set 4

49. Select the forth set of pears (with Marquee tool)

50. You are going to apply a filter to the set:

Filter > Filter Gallery > Brush Strokes > Crosshatch

50. Chances are that the image is too distorted now (the filter is too strong). You can fix it by fading the filter: Edit > Fade Crosshatch.

This options works immediately after you used a filter!!!!

51. Change the opacity of the filter to about 50%

52. This set is done!

set 5

53. Select the next square.

You are going to apply a pond ripple effect to it:

Filter > Distort > ZigZag

Choose Pond Ripples Style.

You can play with the settings.

When done - click OK

54. Looks something like this?

set 6

55. The last set of pears - select it and apply any filter you want, or a number of filters.

Experiment and have fun!!!

If you have to do it in Pixlr

set 1

Be prepared that you cannot do the same stuff with Pixlr.

With this being said, open the work file in Pixlr.

Zoom in the first set of pears.

Choose Lasso tool.

You can use Magnetic or Freehand tool - whichever you feel more comfortable.

Carefully select the right pear.

Once you are done with the selection - you can reposition it.

Important: you will not be able to reposition the selection outline later.

So do it now.

You can save the selection, but not as a Channel.

Pixlr allows you to save only one selection at a time.

Click Save Selection

To paint a pear - we need to remove the colors first.

Adjustment > Hue & Saturation

Drag the Saturation slider all the way to the left.

That will desaturate the selected pixels.

Now Deselect.

Select the left pear.

Desaturate the left pear as well

Adjustment > Hue & Saturation

Keep it selected!

To start painting - we need to add a blank layer.

In the Layers palette: click on the "plus" symbol and add an empty layer.

Name it "Paint"

Change the blending mode to "Color"

We are going to use a radial gradient to paint the left pear.

So choose Gradient tool.

Choose Radial option.

Choose a Foreground and a Background colors - I picked Orange and Red

Set Gradient opacity to 50% - so the colors are not too intense.

Drag the gradient tool over selection.

To load the saved selection of the right pear:

Switch back to Background layer.

(You can deselect the left pear or keep it selected if you want the saved selection to be added)

Select > Restore Selection

Important: switch to "paint" layer!!!!

Select the Brush tool. Then choose a color (Foreground color).

Choose appropriate brush size.

Make softness 100%

Change Opacity to 50%

Start painting inside the selection.

After a few strokes - change a color...

Change color again. And change the brush size for softer color transitions.

Now merge the layers together.

It's one layer now!

set 2

Use Rectangular Marquee tool to select the 2nd set of pears.

Hold Shift for a perfect square.

You will see the selection dimensions as you drag the tool. It should be 200x200 pixels.

Adjustment > Hue & Saturation

Turn on "Colorize" option

The Colorize option changes the nature of the Hue/Saturation control. When checked, it removes the color from an image and overlays the image with a tint of a single hue and saturation.

This option is unlike the Hue slider, which changes only individual pixels based on their present color values.

Experiment with the settings until you like the result.

Deselect when done.

set 3

Use Rectangular Marquee tool to select the 3rd set of pears.

You are going to change the colors of the selection to imitate the sepia tone of an old photograph.

Adjustment > Color Balance

Input the following setting:

Red: 12

Green: -14

Blue: -38

set 4

Select the next set of pears with Rectangular Marquee tool.

We are going to apply some special effects to this selection.

Filter > Effect Library

Scroll through the effects and apply the effects that you like.

You can adjust the effect settings in the preview window.

You can also apply more that one effect.

set 5

There are some preset filters in the Filter menu.

I used Mosaic for my 5th set.

You can use a different one ... or a few...

set 6

There are also some image adjustment settings that can create an interesting effect.

Try Adjustment > Temperature & Tint

And, again, try more than one.

I also applied Bloom adjustment.


File > Save

Compress/optimize it into a JPEG file and submit.

Something like that!
